Last Evaluations

This gadget is deprecated and it’ll be remove in December 2024


The sales funnel starts with a potential customer evaluating your product. Every single lead is valuable, and having the right information at the right moment is key to move forward successfully in the funnel. That’s why your team has to be aware of the apps evaluations, who’s evaluating it, where that lead comes from and what’s the opportunity size.

This gadget displays the last five evaluations of the any of the apps of a marketplace partner account. Each evaluation includes the app name (with its logo) being evaluated, the status (red - cancelled, yellow - inactive and green - active), the hosting model, when the evaluation ends (don’t miss the deadline!), the company behind that evaluation, its country, the attribution channel through which the app was found and the evaluation opportunity size.


Remember (ref)

  • Attribution data is available approximately 3 days after an evaluation is created.

  • The download API has a 90 day limit on the date range for which attribution data can be queried. The exporting API has a 90 day limit on the date range for which attribution data can be queried. If you’re using query params startDate and endDate, then if endDate minus startDate > 90 days, the exports will not contain attribution data.

  • Attribution data is available for evaluations created after July 2018 to now.

Evaluation opportunity size field values (ref):

  • Evaluation: Parent product (Jira/Confluence) is also an evaluation

  • NA: non-evaluations (commercial, academic, etc.) and server licenses

  • Blank: Opportunity size data is not calculated yet, as it takes 48-72 hours for the calculation

  • number: Number of users of the parent product in the site (or customer domain) where your app is evaluated

  • Unlimited Users: Parent license falls under unlimited tier

  • Unknown: We are unable to process the information



Name your gadget meaningfully, so everyone knows at a glance what it is about and when to use it. Fill out the rest of the fields as applicable, namely:


We are working on our growing catalog of and , but contact us you want us to expedite a specific one, visit our .


This gadget appears in the following dashboard: (see Atlassian Marketplace Partner).

See also

Confluence®, Jira®, Atlassian Bamboo®, Bitbucket®, Fisheye®, and Atlassian Crucible® are registered trademarks of Atlassian®
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