Camel case function

Camel case function

Often times you may find yourself in need of generating camel case names. For example, if I wanted to programmatically create custom fields using SIL I could add SIL aliases for those custom fields at the same time. You want to avoid using spaces in alias names so a convention like camel case is an excellent habit to adopt.

function camelCase(string name) { string [] words = split(name, " "); string cc = toLower(words[0]); for(int x=1; x<size(words); x++) { string nextWord; for(int l=0; l<length(words[x]); l++) { if(l==0) { nextWord = toUpper(words[x][l]); } else { nextWord += words[x][l]; } } cc += nextWord; } return cc; } return camelCase("I love using Power Scripts"); //returns iLoveUsingPowerScripts



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