Power Scripts for Jira Cloud
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Getting Started with Power Scripts for Jira Cloud
Release Notes
Power Scripts Features
Power Scripts Configuration Guides
Simple Issue Language Reference
Power Scripts Knowledge Base
Tutorials & Recipes
Power Scripts Recipes
Add a group as participants in Jira Service Desk
Add an internal comment to Jira Service Desk request
Add participants automatically to new Jira Service Desk requests
Adjust an estimate according to assignee
Assign an issue while maintaining the user load
Assign issues automatically based on workload
Assign issues to the previous assignee
Assign users based on a decision table using SIL™
Automatically move unresolved issues to next sprint and update story points
Automatically update the custom field ID and/or name in filters
Calculate the due date based on custom field values
Copy a custom field value to another field when changed
Copy data from the parent issue
Copy the reporter and watchers on duplicate issues
Copy watchers to sub-tasks
Create a sub-task automatically based on custom field selection
Create an issue score custom field
Create story subtasks and close them when story is closed
Filter by project and issue type
Format a number as currency scripted field
Get the time spent by an issue in certain statuses
Insight REST API
Last comment from role scripted field
Last comment scripted field
Last modified by scripted field
Parent issue status scripted field
Perform searches with LDAP
Prepopulate fields during a transition
Reopen issues after a date or time period (boomerang)
Reschedule issues
Reset a field
See and search on the last person to modify an issue
Set approver in Jira Service Desk
Sum up story points for issues in an Epic
Synchronize comments between projects
Time of last transition
Track completion progress
Transition past due issues
WSJF scripted field
Syncing custom field options with external data (Database)
Recipes by Script Type
Recipes by Use Case Category
Utility Scripts
Rich text formatting guide for Jira Cloud
Jira Product Discovery Support
How-to articles
Advanced Features
Comala Publishing
Comala Document Management
Document Report
Miro Gallery Diagrams
Gliffy Diagram
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Power Scripts for Jira Cloud
Power Scripts Recipes
Power Scripts Recipes