

Retrieves a list of all workflows in the Jira environment.

Return Type

JWorkflow []

Returns a list of all workflow representations.


JWorkflow[] workflows = getAllWorkflows(); return workflows; // String representation // 0|jira|live|System||false|Open|In Progress|Resolved|Reopened|Closed|Create Issue|Close Issue|Reopen Issue|Start Progress|Resolve Issue|Stop Progress|Close Issue|10000|classic default workflow|live|User Built||false|Open|In Progress|Resolved|Reopened|Closed|Create Issue|Close Issue|Reopen Issue|Start Progress|Resolve Issue|Stop Progress|Close Issue // JSON representation /* [{ "id": "0", "name": "jira", "mode": "live", "type": "System", "assocIssueType": null, "active": false, "statuses": ["Open", "In Progress", "Resolved", "Reopened", "Closed"], "transitions": ["Create Issue", "Close Issue", "Reopen Issue", "Start Progress", "Resolve Issue", "Stop Progress", "Close Issue"] }, { "id": "10000", "name": "classic default workflow", "mode": "live", "type": "User Built", "assocIssueType": null, "active": false, "statuses": ["Open", "In Progress", "Resolved", "Reopened", "Closed"], "transitions": ["Create Issue", "Close Issue", "Reopen Issue", "Start Progress", "Resolve Issue", "Stop Progress", "Close Issue"] }] */

See also