1.5.2 Release Notes
05 Feb 2020
Botron team is happy to announce the release of Power Admin 1.5.2!
Upgrading to Power Admin 1.5.2 is free for all customers.
Updates and Resolved Issues
Project key: Change the project key and see dependencies which reference the project by its historic keys
When a configuration object is renamed dependent workflows are updated with the new name:
Workflow step property values updated with the new object name if the old object name is referenced
Workflow transition property values updated with the new object name if the old object name is referenced
Workflow participant argument value updated with the new object name if the old object name is referenced
Issue types, screens and their dependencies are scanned faster now by Power Admin
Bug fixes: Priority, status and resolution usage in WAS and CHANGED clauses are now detected by Power Admin
Change the project key
We’ve expanded our project support in Power Admin! Now, besides reviewing a project and its previous keys, you can change the current project key. You will also view the filters, boards and dashboards which reference the project by one of its historical keys.
An easy and fast two-step process.
More improvements and bug fixes will be coming soon! Thanks!
Submit your suggestions for improvements to Botron Support Portal. We value your feedback!