CLI Post Function and CLI Validator

Workflow functions

  1. CLI action (validator) - check information from a CLI action before allowing a transition
  2. CLI action (post-function) - run a CLI action after the transition has completed

Both share similar parameters and capabilities.

Related documentation


Administrator authority is required to add or update workflow actions. This is required to use Run CLI Actions in Jira. 

  1. Create a draft workflow
  2. Edit the workflow
  3. Find the workflow step
  4. Select Validators or Post Functions tab
  5. Select Add
  6. Find and select CLI action

Parameter input dialog

CLI action validators and post functions share the same parameters.


Variable substitution

A variety of substitution variables are available to use in text parameters.

CategoryVariablesWhere UsedDiscussion
Issue special values







Action, Data, Message

Parent issue special values






Action, Data, MessageOnly available if issue is a subtask
Issue field values%fieldname%Action, Data, Message

Any JIRA defined field name.

Like summary, description, environment, issueType, priority, resolution, versions, fixVersions, components, duedate, reporter, assignee, timetracking, id

Issue custom field values%customfieldname%Action, Data, MessageIssue specific custom field name
CLI values




Action, Data, Message

URL of this JIRA instance - useful for local JIRA actions

Message field from last run CLI action validator

Message field from last run CLI post function

Action result%cli_message%MessageResult message from running the CLI action
Pattern replacements




Regex group value from evaluating find pattern1 or pattern2.

n represents the regex group number (1, 2, ...) - equivalent of $n substitution in other regex based usage.

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