Administrator UI to Run CLI Actions

Administrator UI to Run CLI Actions

On this page


Run automation actions directly from the UI.

  1. Ability to run CLI action directly from the JIRA administration UI
  2. Save and recall action statements for repetitive actions
  3. Supports using User Defined Replacement Variables (profiles) to save site information like server URLs and credentials
    1. Reference profiles using standard replacement variable syntax with a name prefixed by variable_ . Example: %variable_confluence% -a getSpaceList where confluence is configured as -s https://examplegear.atlassian.net -u <user email> -t <token>

Menu Item

The Run CLI Actions menu items is located in the ADVANCED section of the System tab. There is also a RUN CLI ACTIONS IN JIRA section on the Apps tab.


Run CLI Actions

Create Project From Template

This is similar to the example from How to create projects or sets of issues based on a template. In this case, you can save the template action for easy reuse.

--action run --common "--project ZJCLIP2 --dateFormat yyyy-MM-dd" --findReplace #duedate#:2016-05-01 --server %base_url% --password automation
--action createProject --lead automation

--action createIssue --type improvement --summary "Phase 1" --date #duedate# 
--action createIssue --parent @issue@ --type sub-task --summary "Task 1"  
--action createIssue --parent @issue@ --type sub-task --summary "Task 2"  

--action createIssue --type improvement --summary "Phase 2"  
--action createIssue --parent @issue@ --type sub-task --summary "Task 1" 
--action createIssue --parent @issue@ --type sub-task --summary "Task 2" 

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