Configure Agent channels


Creating Agent channels and configuring user request responses are critical to maximizing HelpDesk+ efficiency. These channels play a vital role in receiving notifications for new user requests.





You must have agent permissions to configure an agent channel.




Creating an Agent channel in Teams

  1. Click image-20240307-021910.png next to the team where you want to create your channel.

  2. Select Add channel.

teams channel menu options
  1. In the window that displays, enter a Channel name, Description (optional), and Choose a channel type.

  2. Click Create.

Create channel window



Configuring your Agent channel

  1. Once the channel is created, click Start a post.

  2. In the message field type @helpdesk configure and press Enter.

  3. Click Configure.

  4. Select Alerts Channel.

  1. Select the Service desk and Request type(s).

  2. Click Save.