How to create multiple issues

How to create multiple issues


Prior to version 3.3, in order to create multiple issues or subtasks, you needed to configure a Create issue or Create subtask post function for each issue to be created. Version 3.3 adds an option to make it easier to create multiple similar issues (or subtasks) with one post function. Multiple post functions can still be used and may be needed for creating issues with unique settings or to use different conditioning. See also How to create multiple issues - advanced example.

Advanced Examples

There are many ways to get a comma-separated list of values. The simple example above just uses a hardcoded list, but the more interesting use cases are using Substitution variables to create the list. For example:

  1. Using results of a JQL query to create an issue for each issue found - see How to create multiple issues - advanced example

  2. A checkbox custom field - creating an issue for each selected item

  3. A select list custom field - creating an issue for each selected item

  4. Fix or affects version field - creating an issue for each version

  5. Components field - creating an issue for each component

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