Applying a Comala workflow to pages in a target space

Applying a Comala workflow to pages in a target space


A workflow can be added to pages in a space configured as a target space for publishing using one of the Comala Document Management family of apps.

Publishing a page to the target space creates a new page version in the target space.

The publishing action does not include any properties from a workflow applied to the source space content.

When a Comala workflow is enabled and applied as a space workflow for all the pages in a target space

Publishing a page for the first time

The page in the target space is set to the initial workflow state of the applied workflow on the target space page

Publishing a previously published page

If the current state of the workflow on the target space page includes an Updated transition

  • the workflow state on the target space page changes to the destination state for the configured Updated transition

If the workflow state on the target space page does not include an Updated transition

  • the workflow state on the target space page does not change

Publishing sync state and workflow state

The publishing state for a published page does not change when the following workflow events occur on the target space page with the applied workflow:

  • changes workflow state (unless this is as a result of an Updated transition)

  • reviewers are assigned or unassigned to an approval

  • reviewers approve or reject the page

  • workflow state due date expires or is changed by a user

Publishing a page does not remove document activity on the target space page.

When a Comala workflow is applied to the target space, you may need to disable the copying of content properties in the source space publishing dashboard.

Example - target space page workflow and sync status behavior

For example, we have a source space A that publishes to an empty target space B.

Space B - the target space

  • has a workflow applied (this can be a workflow from any of the three Comala Document Management family of apps)

The following custom workflow (created in Comala Document Management) is active for the space.

When publishing a page from source space A to target space B, we initialize the workflow state of the target page to the initial state of the workflow applied to that target page.

For each subsequent publishing of a source page, the workflow state of the target page will remain as it was when first published unless the workflow state at the time of the publishing action has an Updated transition.

In our example workflow, the Review state and the Approved state each have an Updated transition.

Changes in the target space page applied workflow state and page publishing status

Example actions

Publishing state

Example target space page workflow activity

Example actions

Publishing state

Example target space page workflow activity


A new page is created in source space A, named Page

The page is then published to target space B.

Publishing state

Newly created page

  • publishing state is New

On publishing and syncing the page

  • the publishing state is set as Synced in both the source space page and the newly published target space page

Target space page workflow state

On publishing and syncing the page:

  • the workflow state of the newly created target Page in space B is set to the initial state of the workflow applied to the target space page

In our example, the Draft state



Target space page Page in target space B is submitted for review to workflow state Review

Publishing state

  • the publishing state does not change (in our example, it remains Synced in both spaces) No Change

Target space page workflow state

  • the workflow state of the target space page Page is transitioned to Review ChangeD


Page in target space B in workflow state Review is approved by one assigned reviewer (out of three assignees)

Publishing state

  • the publishing state does not change (in our example, status Synced in both spaces) No Change

Target space page workflow state

  • the workflow state of the target space page is Review, but the workflow popup includes one reviewer with an approval done mark appended Changed


Edit source space page Page in space A


Publishing state

  • the publishing state is moved to Out of sync in both spaces changed

Target space page workflow state

  • the workflow state of the target space Page remains in the Review state with one approval checkmark No Change

Changes in the publishing state do not affect the workflow unless there is a page update on the target space page, for example, publishing a page from the source space.


Page in target space B in workflow state Review is approved by all assigned reviewers

Publishing state

  • the publishing state does not change (in our example, it is Out of sync in both spaces as the source page was previously edited but not published) No Change

Target space page workflow state

  • the workflow state of target space Page transitions from Review state to Approved state changed


Edit target space page Page in space B in Approved state

Publishing state

  • the publishing state is changed - moved to Out of sync (if not already in this status) in both spaces changed

Target space page workflow state

  • Updated transition in the workflow state at the time of publishing transitions workflow - in our example, the workflow state of the target space Page transitions from the Approved to the Draft state changed


Publish source space page Page from space A to target space B

Publishing state

  • publishing state changes to Synced in both spaces changed

Target space page workflow state

  • the workflow state of the target space Page does not change - in our example, it remains in the Draft state No change


Target space page Page in target space B is submitted for review again to workflow state Review

Publishing status

  • publishing state does not change (in our example, it remains Synced) in both spaces No change

Target space page workflow state

  • the workflow state of the target space Page transitions to the Review state changed


Edit source space page Page in space A

Publishing state

  • publishing state changes to Out of Sync in both spaces changed

Target space page workflow state

  • the workflow state of the target space Page does not change - in our example, it remains in the Review state No change


Publish source space page Page from space A to target space B

Publishing state

  • publishing state changes to Synced in both spaces changed

Target space page workflow state

  • Updated transition in the state at the time of publishing transitions the applied workflow - in our example, the workflow state of the target space Page transitions from Review to Draft changed

Publishing the source space page only causes a change in the workflow applied to a target space page when the current applied workflow state includes an Updated transition.

In our example above, only the Review state and the Approved state have an Updated transition.

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