Publishing report

Publishing report


The publishing report displays the current publishing state of pages in the source and the target spaces. You can only access the report from the source space using the Comala Publishing option in the Confluence sidebar Apps menu.


The publishing report allows editors and space administrators in a source space to view the publishing state (the synchronization state) of all the pages in the source and target spaces

You can use the Publishing state and the page Title filters to customize the displayed report. When a Comala workflow is applied in the space, you can use the Workflow final state filter report to display pages in the workflow final state. These filters can be used together.

You can sort the report table by each column in ascending or descending order.

A space administrator can also publish all the pages displayed in the report and view details of the last space publishing action.


Accessing the publishing report

The publishing report is accessed from the source space Confluence sidebar

  • choose Apps>Comala Publishing

The default report displays all the pages in the source space.

For example, no pages have been published in the following space. All the pages have a New publishing state.

  • there are no Title and Publishing state filters applied

  • the Workflow final state filter option is not displayed (as no Comala workflow is active in the space)

If the space has more than 25 pages, use the Load more option to display more pages.

  • in a space with some published pages, by default, all pages are displayed irrespective of the publishing state

You can filter the pages displayed in the report by one or more publishing states using the Publishing state filter.

When you choose the Unsynced button, the report is filtered to show pages in the New and out-of-sync publishing states.

The publishing report displays the pages in the checked publishing state(s).

A space administrator can also publish the pages displayed in the report in a single action using the Publish option.

The Publish option in the publishing report is only available to space administrators.

  • the Last Publication tab is displayed when any pages have been published using the report Publish option (or in a space publishing action from the app space settings)

Space manifests

The publishing report allows editors and space administrators in a source space to view the publishing state (the synchronization state) of all the pages in

  • the source space

  • the target space

Source space manifest

The report displays a list of pages in the source space and their publishing state.

The Publishing state can be used to filter the source space manifest report:

You can filter the report by checking one or more of the options:

Choose the Unsynced lozenge to display all the pages that are not currently synced. Unsynced checks the New and Out of sync publishing states in the report filter.

When a Comala workflow is applied in the space, the report can also be filtered to display pages in the final state of the workflow. Move the slider to green to make this filter active.

The FInal Workflow state filter works in combination with the Publishing state and the page Title filter.

In older spaces, the Final workflow state filter only shows pages created or updated after November 11, 2024.

When viewing the report for the source space, a space administrator can publish the pages listed in the report using the Publish pages button.

Target space manifest

Toggle the report using [target]<spacename> to display the publishing state of pages in the target space.

A page in the target space with a Removed publishing state is a page without a previously published source space page (the source space page might have been deleted after publishing, or the page created directly in the target space).

The publishing report for the target space can be filtered by one or more of the following publishing states:

The Publishing state filter and the page Title filter can be used to filter the target space manifest report.

A page in the Removed publishing status is only displayed when no publishing state filter is applied.

When publishing in the space is configured to use the app add-on user permissions, the target space manifest displays the add-on user in the Last updated by column.

Report columns

The report displays the following information for each page in a space.

  • Page (page title)

  • State (publishing state)

  • Last synced by

    • When (date of last publishing synchronization)

    • Version (source page version on last publishing synchronization)

  • Last updated by

    • When (date of last update in the currently selected space)

    • Version (current page version in the currently selected space)

The report table can be sorted for each column in ascending or descending order, making it easier to organize and review data

You can display the report for the target space by choosing the target space name byline.

In the target space report

  • Last synced by column and related When and Version are data for the source space page that was synced

  • Last updated by column and related When and Version data are for the target space page

Filtering the report

By default, the report displays all pages in each space that are not synced. You can filter the report when viewing the source space and the target space.

You can use one or more of the following filters in the publishing report:

The final workflow state filter is only available in the source space. It can only be applied if a Comala workflow is active on any page in the source space. You can combine these filters to customize the pages displayed in the report.

Publishing state filter

The publishing state filter is available when viewing the source space report or the target space report.

In the source space report, you can choose one or more of the following publishing states:

  • New

  • Synced

  • Out of sync

You can filter the report by checking one or more publishing states in the Publishing state filter.

You can also choose the Unsynced lozenge to display all the pages that are not currently synced.

You can display all the pages in the space in the report by removing any added publishing state filters by deleting the lozenge or unchecking the option in the dropdown menu.

In the target space report, you can filter the report by one or more of the following publishing states:

Page Title filter

The Title filter lets you add a word to filter the pages by the name of a page containing the word added to the filter.

The filter matches whole words in the page name. Partial text strings of words are not used in the filter. For example, you must add Product to filter the report to pages with Product in their name

You also cannot use the filter with either of the symbols * or ? as the first character of a search.

You can combine the Title filter with the Publishing state and Workflow final state filters.

Workflow final state filter

The Final workflow state report filter is displayed only when a Comala workflow is applied to at least one page in the space.

Slide the filter option to a green tick to enable the Final workflow state filter.

The Final workflow state filter works together with the publishing state filter.

Publishing pages in the report


The Publish button publishes the pages currently displayed in the report table.

The number of pages to be published is displayed on the button.

Only the pages shown in the filtered report are published.

Choose Publish to confirm.

The space publishing report is displayed upon completion of the publishing action.

If no filter is applied to the publishing report for a space, all of the displayed pages are published using the publish option, irrespective of their publishing state.

Last publication byline

The Last Publication byline option is displayed in the report if at least one previous space publish action was undertaken using the Space publish option in the space publishing dashboard or the Publish option in the publishing report.

Select the Last Publication byline to view a summary of the last space publish action.

You can use the See details link to view the space publishing report for the last whole space publish action

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