What is migrated by the Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant?

What is migrated?

  • current workflow status

  • an entry in the workflow history - "Document has changed to 'xxx' state"

This requires a successful migration of the page and the associated user.

The Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant only migrates the 'current workflow state'. The migration does not include the full page activity (aka workflow history) or workflow markup.

What is not migrated?

  • the workflow 

  • full-page activity

  • expiry date

  • assigned approvers

  • assigned read confirmations

Page restrictions must be removed before the migration to include the workflow state data. If required, the page restrictions can be added after a successful migration.

Pages with permission restrictions are identified in the Vendor App Checks screen in the Atlassian Migration Assistant. The list of pages is added to a downloadable CSV file.


The workflow

You can use workflow builder in Cloud to recreate your workflows.

The app can be installed with the JSON version of the standard workflows installed in server.

Some workflow features are different from the server workflow.

The server app includes the Workflow Translator for Cloud tool. A third-party script converter cannot be used to convert the server markup to JSON.

Page activity

The page activity is not automatically migrated. The only way to add a record accessible by Comala Document Management app is through cumbersome page-by-page manual action.

If required for compliance and audit, use the server Attach Activity space utility option to create a CSV file of the full history of workflow events and activities for each page

  • the CSV file is added to each page as an attachment

  • the file attachment is migrated with a page

The CSV is not accessible by the cloud app.

Expiry dates, assigned approver, and assigned read confirmation data

These cannot be migrated and must be added to the Cloud site after migration.

Further information