Administrator guide

Administrator guide

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This guide covers installation instructions and other administrative features and functions (where relevant) that are available within the Code Pro for Confluence app. 

For additional information on using this app, please refer to the User guide.

Product installation

Download version

  1. Log into your Confluence instance as an administrator.
  2. Click the cog icon on the top right and choose Manage appsThe Manage apps screen loads.
  3. Click Find new apps from the left-hand side of the page.
  4. Locate Code Pro for Confluence via search. The appropriate app version appears in the search results.
  5. Click Try free to begin a new trial or Buy now to purchase a license for Code Pro for ConfluenceYou're prompted to log into MyAtlassian. Code Pro for Confluence begins to download.
  6. Enter your information and click Generate license when redirected to MyAtlassian.
  7. Click Apply licenseIf you're using an older version of UPM, you can copy and paste the license into your Confluence instance.

To find older Code Pro for Confluence versions compatible with your instance, you can look through our version history page.

How to resolve installation problems

The following guide can help resolve many common installation problems:


Administrators can define profiles that can be used by macro users to get defaulted parameter settings. For example, a profile can provide consistent access to a source repository server like Bitbucket or Stash with default parameter like url, user, and password. Other parameters may also be specified. This is especially important if the repository requires authentication - a profile can centralize the access management. Using macro security, access to the shared resource profile can be controlled while still allowing authorized access to files that normally are inaccessible to non-developers in your organization. See Profiles for more information.

Using Macro Security

Some parameters of the Code Pro macro can be restricted using Macro Security for Confluence. Specifically, the use of URL capabilities and profiles may need to be restricted in your environment. If you are not using the Macro Security for Confluence app, nothing needs to be done. If you are using the Macro Security for Confluence app, then you can add additional configuration to control access to the Code Pro macro capabilities. Macro security is configured by finding the Macro Security for Confluence app on your Manage Apps page in UPM. Click the Configure button. Consider adding the following or some more specific to your situation:

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