How to resolve installation problems

How to resolve installation problems

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These are some generic tips and techniques to help resolve app installation or licensing problems. In many cases, installation problems are not specific to the app, but instead, relate to general usage or issues with the Atlassian Universal Plugin Manager (UPM) or the underlying plugin system. Generally speaking, most recent versions of apps on this site are built using Atlassian's plugin 2 framework and all paid apps use Atlassian licensing support. Installation is provided by UPM. Licensing support is also provided by UPM. If these tips don't resolve your issue, it is likely you will need to open an Atlassian support ticket. 

If you see in product license errors, go to UPM and look at the details app information and license information. This is the information that must be reported to support.

License problems


Manage apps shows the app with the follow error:

License is for an older version and maintenance has expired.

This shows in situations where the installed app was built after the expiry date of your maintenance support. This is a valid error. You either need to get a more current license, or, uninstall the app and install an earlier version that is within your maintenance window.

If this is not your situation, in some cases this error may show incorrectly on Jira versions before Jira 6.4 and Confluence versions before Confluence 5.7. This is a UPM bug UPM-4565


  1. Update Jira or Confluence to a release where the bug is fixed; at least Jira 6.4 or Confluence 5.7.
  2. Renew the maintenance for the app.
  3. Use a temporary evaluation license until you can resolve the issue.

Incompatible with product license

After upgrading the Confluence license or upgrading the Universal Plugin Manager app, one or more apps stop working. When reviewing the apps in the Universal Plugin Manager, the text "Incompatible with Product License (wrong type)" is seen in the License Status field.

Or, functions report the following error message: Notify your Confluence administrator that "Bob Swift Atlassian Apps ..." requires a valid license. Reason: TYPE_MISMATCH.

  1. Update UPM to the latest level and retry - this solves many cases (UPM-4783).
  2. Make sure you check all your other apps for similar problems! 
  3. If you still have issues, contact sales@atlassian.com to have them generate compatible licenses for all the apps that need it. While you are waiting, consider:
    1. Reverting your Confluence license change till Atlassian generates new and compatible licenses.
    2. Get an evaluation license until a permanent license is available.
  4. See this Confluence Knowledge Base item


A license is invalid if the app's build date is greater than or equal to the license's maintenance expiration date. For example, if the license says that support is only available through 1/1/2012, then an existing installation of a app version with a build date of 1/1/2011 continues to work indefinitely, but, if you install a new version built on 1/2/2012 or later, it will not work with the old license.

Installation problems

Plugin disabled

Users may report macros no longer working in Confluence or similar problems with Jira or Bamboo. The plugin may have become disabled because of installation of other apps or for other reasons. See UPM-2893 for instance.

Resolution steps

  1. Go to UPM.
  2. Enable all the apps that must be enabled.
  3. If the plugin still cannot be enabled:
    1. Uninstall the plugin
    2. Re-install the plugin
    3. You may need to re-install the license
  4. If the plugin still cannot be enabled:
    1. Consider restarting the server
    2. Look in your server logs for installation errors and clues
    3. Depending on the information you find, either open a support issue with Atlassian support (UPM) or plugin vendor (something indicating it is specific to the plugin)


An error occurred while installing the app

An error occurred while installing the app. Refer to the logs for more information.

This is an error with UPM 2.17.5 and fixed on 2.17.7. Unfortunately, some product releases contain the failing UPM including at least Jira 6.3.4 and Confluence 5.6. See UPM-4581.

In this particular case, the app actually installs successfully and the error message can be ignored. The workaround is to update UPM to the latest level before installing any apps.

Plugin cannot be enabled

Unable to start the following apps ...

In some cases, the following Atlassian knowledge base item may help: How to Clear Confluence Plugins Cache.


 After installing or removing apps in Confluence, there can be errors reported like: 

com.atlassian.util.concurrent.LazyReference$InitializationException: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Cannot autowire object because the Spring context is unavailable.

Resolution steps

  1. Go to UPM
  2. Make sure UPM level is current
  3. Uninstall the plugin reporting an error
  4. Reinstall the plugin - you may need your license key on older versions of UPM


This is a UPM/plugin framework issue with mismatched class versions of some license management code. It most likely is related to some other UPM or app upgrade or install that has occurred. Reference is UPM-3306.  

javax.servlet.ServletException: Servlet execution threw an exception
    at org.apache.catalina.core.ApplicationFilterChain.internalDoFilter(ApplicationFilterChain.java:313)

caused by: java.lang.LinkageError: loader constraint violation: when resolving interface method "com.atlassian.upm.api.license.PluginLicenseManager.getLicense()Lcom/atlassian/upm/api/util/Option;" the class loader (instance of org/apache/felix/framework/ModuleImpl$ModuleClassLoader) of the current class, com/atlassian/upm/license/storage/lib/ThirdPartyPluginLicenseStorageManagerImpl$1, and the class loader (instance of org/apache/felix/framework/ModuleImpl$ModuleClassLoader) for resolved class, com/atlassian/upm/api/license/PluginLicenseManager, have different Class objects for the type com/atlassian/upm/api/util/Option used in the signature
    at com.atlassian.upm.license.storage.lib.ThirdPartyPluginLicenseStorageManagerImpl$1.call(ThirdPartyPluginLicenseStorageManagerImpl.java:61)

Resolution steps

  1. Go to UPM
  2. Make sure UPM level is current
  3. Uninstall the plugin reporting an error
  4. Reinstall the plugin - you may need your license key on older versions of UPM

Service proxy has been destroyed

org.springframework.osgi.service.importer.ServiceProxyDestroyedException: service proxy has been destroyed

Resolution steps

  1. Go to UPM
  2. Make sure UPM level is current
  3. Uninstall the plugin reporting an error
  4. Reinstall the plugin - you may need your license key on older versions of UPM

Other OSGI plugin related problems

Resolution steps

  1. Go to UPM
  2. Make sure UPM level is current
  3. Uninstall the plugin reporting an error
  4. Reinstall the plugin - you may need your license key on older versions of UPM

App not working after upgrade

The app failed to enable. org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Unresolved constraint in bundle

Resolution steps

  1. Go to UPM
  2. Make sure UPM level is current
  3. Uninstall the plugin reporting an error
  4. Reinstall the plugin - you may need your license key on older versions of UPM

App does not enable - unsupported version of Java

If you have an error in your application log like: Unsupported major.minor version 51.0It means your server is running with Java 1.6 and needs Java 1.7. All recent apps require Java 1.7 - see Compatibility for more information. Look in your System Information screen and verify the Java version the server is running.

Table problems

Tables missing Common table capabilities expected from Advanced Tables for ConfluenceSQL for Confluence, or similar apps. 

 Resolution Steps

  1. Go to UPM and look for the Table Library for Bob Swift Apps as: Bob Swift Software - Table Sorter Library or Bob Swift Atlassian Apps - Table Library.

  2. Make sure it is enabled! If not, enable it!

Installation tips

Update UPM to recent level

It is strongly recommended that users update to the latest UPM level before installing new plugins or upgrades.

Always review your plugins after installation

After installing an app, review your app list to ensure apps are properly enabled (UPM-2893). Note additional component apps that automatically got installed as an FYI.

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