

Please note that the URL user and URL password parameters are deprecated and will be removed on March 31, 2022. We recommend using profiles to access your data from remote locations.

What are profiles?

Profiles are created by Confluence administrators to make using a common set of parameters easier for users adding the Code Pro macro to pages. Here are some advantages for using profiles:

  • Profiles allow user authentication required by some URLs to be hidden from page viewers and editors. Only Confluence administrators have access to this information.
  • Enables macro editors to quickly configure the macro by reusing a shared definition for URL access. 
  • Relative addressing can be used making the page content less likely to require changes when base URLs are relocated. 
  • Combine settings of a profile with another profile(s). Use the '|' delimiter to combine name-value pairs with the specified profile settings.
    For example, you can create a profile 'A' that defines a customized style using HTML tags. This can be appended to another profile 'B' as url=https://bitbucket.org/bob_swift/gint/raw/tip|A. In the macro, if profile 'A' is selected, retrieved data is shown with the custom styles given in profile 'B'.

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