Enabling e-signature for an approval in a workflow

Enabling e-signature for an approval in a workflow

Enabling e-signature on an approval in the workflow

The requirement for an e-signature for a reviewer is set on each approval in a workflow.
You can change the e-signature setting using the workflow builder visual editor, which is accessed for each workflow in the app space settings.

If you want to use e-signature for approval in bundled workflow, create a duplicate of the workflow in the space document management dashboard and edit this copy. Then, apply this copy.

Edit the workflow approval

In the app space settings for an existing custom workflow

  • choose the pencil icon to Edit with Visual Builder


Workflow states are displayed in the workflow panel (left-hand panel in the visual builder).


States with approval are shown in the workflow visual flow diagram in the navigator panel with at least an approved or rejected transition from the state lozenge.

  • choose the state with the approval (Review state) to add a requirement for authentication credentials for a reviewer

  • choose Approvals to display the approvals in the state

  • choose the approval name - in this example, Approval - to edit the approval in the workflow builder visual editor.

  • expand the Advanced option

Under the Credentials section

  • check the Requires e-signature radio button.

  • choose the Apply button to update the approval with the changes

  • Save the workflow in the workflow builder visual editor

  • Exit the visual editor to add the changes to the space workflow in the space settings Document Management dashboard

When e-signature is enabled, the approval requires a user to use an e-signature (email and signing token).

A content reviewer user needs to set up a 2FA authenticator app on a smart device to generate a signing token for the e-signature.

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Authentication apps