Sending an email on the state expiry

JSON trigger to sending an email on on-expire event

"triggers": [ { "event":"on-expire", "actions":[ { "action":"send-email", "recipients":[ "@watchers", "@creator", "@lastUpdatedBy" ], "notification":{ "subject":"${content.title} has expired", "title":"${content.title} has expired", "body":"Hello, ${} in the ${} space has expired and needs to be reviewed" } }, { "action":"set-message", "type":"info", "title":"Expired", "body":"The page has expired" } ] } ]

If adding the JSON trigger using workflow builder, there is no need to include the opening "triggers": JSON markup notation, as workflow builder will automatically add it.



  • no event condition is added

    • trigger listens for every state expiry event



  • email sent to

    • content watchers (@watchers)

    • author (@creator)

    • last user who updated the content (@lastUpdatedBy)



  • the message type can be"info", “warning", or "error"

  • message must include a value for the “body" parameter

For the trigger to occur, a state must have an expiration date added that expires.