SPI descriptor JSON

SPI API reference

If you need more technical information on the latest OpenAPI specs of the SPI Descriptor, please read the complete API reference.

Descriptor JSON file for the SPI endpoints

The SPI descriptor file cmj-spi.json is at the heart of the CMJ Cloud SPI - it describes the SPI endpoints that the app supports together with their configuration.

CMJ Cloud will look for the descriptor JSON at the following URL:

https://<app base URL>/cmj-spi.json

“App base URL” is the URL at which the atlassian-connect.json file is hosted.

To find the App base URL, we will look at the atlassian-connect.json location. This is only possible for Connect apps installed from the Atlassian Marketplace. During development, apps are usually not installed from the Marketplace - in this case, look for an alternative solution here.

Descriptor structure

Here is an example of a very simple descriptor without any endpoints.

{ "baseUrl": "https://your-app-domain.com/cmjspi", "appKey": "com.botronsoft.cmj.cloud.spi.spi-test-app", "endpoints": [], "authentication": "JWT" }

More information about each property can be found in the OpenAPI spec.