Process for finding the CMJ Cloud Descriptor JSON

How CMJ Cloud finds the descriptor JSON

Each app that implements the CMJ Cloud SPI must provide a descriptor JSON file that contains data about the available endpoints.

Here we outline the process that CMJ Cloud uses for finding this JSON:

  1. If the app is installed from the Atlassian Marketplace or there is an explicitly set version in the atlassian-connect.json that is present on the Marketplace, we will get the location of the atlassian-connect.json and look for cmjspi.json at the same URL level.

  2. In all other cases, we will get the app user (each Connect app has a service user that is available on all Jira Cloud instances where the app is installed) and read a cmjcloud.spi.configuration entity property.

The property value must have the following format:

{ "descriptorUrl": "https://your-app-domain/path/cmj-spi.json" }

where descriptorUrl is the full URL to the CMJ SPI descriptor.