Integration types

Who can use this information

  1. App vendors who want to allow their customers to move app configuration and data from one Jira instance to another.

  2. Developers who want to integrate apps with Configuration Manager for Jira (CMJ) for app data and configuration migration purposes.

  3. Jira customers who develop apps for internal usage and want to move the app configuration and data between Jira instances.

Types of integrations to build

Currently, there are two types of integrations you can build for your apps:

  • Integration with CMJ for server-to-server app data migrations

  • Integration with the Cloud Migration Tool and CMJ Cloud for server-to-cloud app data migrations

The sections below provide more details about the types of integrations you can build for your apps with our App Integrations platform.

Integration with CMJ for server-to-server app data migrations

If you want your customers/users to be able to move your app’s configuration and data between different Jira Server/DC instances, your development team needs to execute the following integration plan:

Integration plan:

  1. Integrate your Jira Server/DC app with CMJ using the Server SPI.

  2. Check the App Integrations page in CMJ to verify your app is successfully integrated.

  3. Export your app’s global configuration and data from a Jira Server/DC instance and import it to another instance using CMJ. To do this, create a CMJ configuration snapshot on the source instance and deploy it to the target instance. Use an evaluation license for CMJ.

  4. Contact our team to add your app to our List of all integrated apps. The list gives users more visibility into the apps' configuration and data they can migrate.

Details of this integration type

Integration with the Cloud Migration Tool and CMJ Cloud for server-to-cloud app data migrations

If you want your customers/users to be able to migrate your app’s configuration and data from Jira Server/DC to Jira Cloud, your development team needs to execute the following integration plan:

Integration plan:

  1. Integrate your Jira Server/DC app with CMJ/Cloud Migration Tool using the Server SPI.

  2. Integrate your Jira Cloud app with CMJ Cloud using the Cloud SPI.

  3. Migrate your app’s global configuration and data from a Jira Server/DC instance to a Jira Cloud site. Use the Cloud Migration Tool app on the source instance and Configuration Manager for Jira (CMJ) Cloud on the destination cloud site. Use an evaluation license for these companion apps.
    Learn more about the migration process and its steps.

  4. Contact our team to add your app to our List of all integrated apps. The list gives users more visibility into the apps' configuration and data they can migrate.

Details of this integration type

Integration with CMJ Cloud for cloud-to-cloud app data migration (coming soon)

Coming soon! We're continuing to develop the Аpp Integrations platform. It will soon offer an integration type that allows migrating a cloud app’s data from one Jira Cloud site to another.