This routine is available since katl-commons 1.1.2 .
getTimeSpent(issueKey, user_or_group )
Gets the time spent (logged) on an issue by a certain user or group.Parameters:
Parameter name | Type | Required | Description |
issuekey | string | Yes | The key of the issue |
user_or_group | string | Yes | A username or group name |
Return type:
Returns an interval that represents the sum of all the worklogs of the specified user or members of the specified group on the issue.
Example 1
getTimeSpent("PRJ-32", "jira-users");
Returns: The sum of the worklogs of all the members of "jira-users" on issue PRJ-32: 4d 5h
Example 2:
getTimeSpent("PRJ-32", "testuser");
Returns: The sum of the worklogs of the user "testuser" on issue PRJ-32: 2h
See Also:
updateWorklogExistingEstimate (Power Scripts for Jira Cloud)
updateWorklogSetEstimateTo (Power Scripts for Jira Cloud)
removeWorklogIncreaseEstimateBy (Power Scripts for Jira Cloud)
updateWorklogAdjustEstimate (Power Scripts for Jira Cloud)
removeWorklogAdjustEstimate (Power Scripts for Jira Cloud)
removeWorklogExistingEstimate (Power Scripts for Jira Cloud)
removeWorklogSetEstimateTo (Power Scripts for Jira Cloud)