Searching and JQL functions
This page is about Assets & Inventory Plugin for Jira DC. Using Cloud? Click here.
Asset related issues can be searched via the "Assets" custom field in the issue navigator or by handy AIP JQL functions.
Search by custom field (Simple search)
Searching via custom field is as simple as any field in Jira. In the issue navigator, enter the field name (by default, it is Assets
) followed by your search term and use a generic text search. Text search is not case-sensitive.
Example JQL | Description |
Assets ~ Laptop | This finds issues where the "Assets" field contains "Laptop", "Laptop2", "MyLaptop", or "MyLaptop2". |
Assets ~ 'My Laptop' | You must enclose spaces or special characters in a string. |
Assets is not EMPTY | Finds issues with a value assigned to the "Assets" field. |
Assets ~ '#55' | Searches for an issue with a specific Asset ID. |
Search by JQL functions (Advanced search)
assetByField function
Introduced in version 7.0.3
AIP supports filtering issued with the selected assets' field values. This function works similarly to the referenceAsset function (refer to Search functions documentation for details).
Example for referenceAsset search function | Example for assetByField JQL function |
referenceAsset("asset.assetTag", "\"marla singer\"") | assetByField("asset.assetTag", "\"marla singer\"") |
Field names are case-sensitive.
JQL | Description |
issue in assetByField("Object Approvers", "mdavis-sd-demo") | Finds issues with assets where the
issue in assetByField("Object Owner", "tyler@@@marla") | Finds the issues that have assets with the |
issue in assetByField("asset.status", "In stock", "asset.substatus", "Defective") | Find the issues that have assets with |
Filtering assets for all attribute types and system fields
You can combine multiple fields for complex searches. For example, you can even add all possible field types in one go:
issue in assetByField("asset.status", "In Transit",
"asset.substatus", "Defective",
"asset.assignee", "jevans-sd-demo",
"asset.owner", "mdavis-sd-demo",
"asset.managedBy", "jevans-sd-demo",
"asset.belongsToGroup", "jira-users@@@aaaa@@@jira-developers",
"asset.quantity", "100@@@101",
"asset.assetTag", "\"my asset tag\"",
"asset.serialNumber", "\"my serial 101\"",
"asset.installDate", "2020-03-27@@@2020-03-29",
"asset.location", "2",
"asset.cost", "99@@@101",
"asset.costCurrency", "EUR",
"asset.invoiceNumber", "\"my invoice\"",
"asset.created", "2019-07-05T13:23",
"asset.createdBy", "admin",
"asset.updated", "2020-06-18T17:11@@@2020-06-18T17:22",
"asset.updatedBy", "admin",
"Asset List", "#197",
"Asset List by Asset Types", "#227",
"Checkbox", "Ada@@@NOTHING@@@Bal",
"Date Picker", "2019-07-05",
"Date Time Picker", "2019-07-04T00:00@@@2019-07-06T00:00",
"Dropdown list", "Ada@@@NOTHING@@@Bal",
"IP v1", "\"\"",
"IPv6", "\"2001:0db8:85a3:0000:0000:8a2e:0370:7334\"",
"Jira User Picker", "tolga",
"Jira User", "marla@@@NOTHING",
"Jira Users" , "tyler@@@NOTHING",
"List Box", "Mer@@@ABC_NOTHING@@@Ada",
"List Box - Multiple", "Mer@@@ABC_NOTHING@@@Izm",
"Number Float", "11.5@@@15.5",
"Number Long", "12",
"Radio Button", "Bal",
"Text", "\"b4 sample data from summary\"",
"TextArea", "sa*",
"URL", "\"\""
The JQL function filters the following asset:
Issue search screen:
Deprecated JQL Functions (For reference only)
The following JQL functions are deprecated but included for reference:
issue in inventoryByAttribute("Memory", "8 GB")
issue in inventoryByAttributeIgnoreCase("First Name", "Tyler")
issue in inventoryByUserAttribute("Owner", "tylerdurden")
issue in inventoryByUserAttribute("Owner") // If you do not pass second attribute, logged in user will be used.