Automatically remind users to create requests


Automatically reminding users to create requests when they message your support channels is an easy way to enforce your process and make it easy for your users.

  • Auto-remind creates a threaded reply and reminds the user to create a support request.

  • Configure request types that are available for users in the channel settings.

  • This configuration is at the channel level; different channels can have other configurations.



Enable auto-remind

Enable auto-reminder to remind users automatically to create requests when they write to your support team.

  1. Click Configure, or type /helpdesk configure.

  2. Click the checkbox next to Auto Create.

  3. Save the settings.




Configure the auto-remind message

  1. Click Configure, or type /helpdesk configure.

  2. Click Settings under the Advanced section.

  3. Click Configure under the Auto Response Message section.

  4. Add your custom reminder message.

  5. Click Save.




Format reminder messages with markdown

The text area used to add custom welcome messages accepts markdown formatting.

These basic visual styles are effortless to use:

  • _italic_ will produce italicized text.

  • *bold* will produce bold text.

  • ~strike~ will produce strikethrough text.