Configuring Time Series

Configuring Time Series


About Time Series

Time series are collections of data points based on your issues’ date fields. For instance, they show the number of created issues on days 1, 2, 3, and so on for the past month. The values for the data points may be issue counts or values computed from issue fields. 

The time series can be displayed as line charts with the Rich Filter Time Series Chart gadget or as tables with the Rich Filter Statistics gadget. While series on their own can point out trends, they are more powerful when plotted together. Comparing series can hint at correlations between events affecting your activity.

Adding new time series and their key attributes

The Time Series section of your rich filter allows you to add new time series and view their key attributes. 

To define a new time series, click the Add time series button at the top-right of the page. The Add a time series dialog will then be displayed.

The key attributes of a time series are:






Each time series is based on a date field, which is used to find the issues contributing to each data point.


The label is mandatory and used to identify and display the time series in rich filter gadgets.


The color is used to display the time series in rich filter gadgets.


Each time series has a value, which is used to compute the values of the data points. You can select issue count, any number field, or custom values as a value.

Value Type
Displayed in the table listing all the Time Series

The value type is automatically computed based on the value settings. The possible value types are: 

  • Issue Count – for values based on the number of issues

  • Numeric – for values based on numeric fields

  • Time Tracking – for values based on time-tracking fields

  • Duration – for custom values based on duration values (see the Configuring Custom Values section)

JQL Filter

An optional JQL filter can apply additional filtering when computing a data point. Only the issues that satisfy the additional JQL filter contribute to the results.

Rich Filter Extensions

Rich filter extensions are separate Jira apps installed on top of the Rich Filters for Jira Dashboards app to extend the rich filters and rich filter gadgets with new specific functionality.

New time series options are available if you add any of these extensions:

Editing Time Series

The Time Series section of your rich filter also allows you to do the following operations: 

To do the following:

Do this:

To do the following:

Do this:

Edit a Time Series

Click the Edit icon at the right of any time series.

In the following pop-up, make your changes and click the Save button.

Note that once the time series is created, two settings cannot be changed anymore:

  • The Series date field;

  • Value Type: If you have selected Issue Count as the value, you cannot change it. If you had selected, for example, a number field as the value, then the value type would be Numeric Sum. You could then update the Value and select another number field, but you could no longer choose Issue Count (the value type would have to remain Numeric Sum).

This is necessary to ensure the consistency of the time series once it is used in the Rich Filter Time Series Chart gadgets. In a Time Series Chart gadget, we can display together only series having compatible value types (i.e., we can display together either series based on multiple Issue Counts or on Numeric Sum values but not combinations of these).

You need to create a new time series to change these two settings.

Delete a Time Series

Click the delete icon at the right of any time series.

Reorder the Time Series list.

Hover over the vertical “grid” icon of the time series, then drag and drop up or down to the new position.

This order displays the time series in the settings of Rich Filter Time Series Chart and Rich Filter Statistics gadgets.

Computed Time Series

Users can define unresolved time series, a special type of time series falling under the Computed category. Unlike other time series based on a date field, unresolved time series are computed as the difference between Created and Resolved time series. Unresolved time series allows users to easily monitor the size of the backlog.

The unresolved time series can be displayed in the rich filter gadgets like any other time series. In the example below, the Unresolved time series is used in a Rich Filter Time Series gadget. The gadget enables users to track the trend of unresolved issues within a specific time range by monitoring the unresolved issues of each aggregation period.

Using Time Series in Rich Filter Gadgets

Once defined, the time series can be displayed by two rich filter gadgets: