Extending the time series

Extending the time series

Rich Filters::Time Tracking Dashboards is an extension of the Rich Filters for Jira Dashboards app. 

This page extends the configuring time series page from the Rich Filters for Jira Dashboards documentation.


About worklog time series

Rich Filters::Time Tracking Dashboards allow you to define time series based on work logs (called worklog time series). More precisely, the time series can be based on the Worklog Date and aggregate the Worklog Time Spent. If you're unsure how the filtering and grouping based on work log attributes work, you should first understand our Key concepts

The worklog time series can be displayed in the Rich Filter Time Series Chart and the Rich Filter Statistics gadgets to see historical trends in the time tracking data. 

Adding and editing worklog time series

Time series based on work logs can be created, edited, deleted, or reordered like any other time series. If you are unfamiliar with these operations, check the configuring time series page from the Rich Filters for Jira Dashboards documentation. The difference is that now you have new options you can choose from:


New options – description


New options – description


The user can select the Worklog Date attribute as the base for the time series.


If the series is based on the Worklog Date, then the only values available are the Worklog Time Spent and any other worklog custom values you might have defined.

Value Type

The Value Type is automatically computed based on the Value setting. For the Worklog Time Spent value and worklog custom values, the type is always Logged Time.

JQL Filter

Time series can have an optional JQL Filter to apply additional filtering. Rich Filters::Time Tracking Dashboards allows you to include work log queries in your time series JQL Filters to filter the work logs.

See our Advanced Work Log Searching section to learn how to define custom work log queries.

Using worklog time series in rich filter gadgets

Once defined, the worklog time series can be displayed by two rich filter gadgets:

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