How to report on Jira issues with associations without using the Associations and Associations Count fields

Currently, if we want to report on Jira issues with associations in Jira with JQL, the Associations and Associations Count fields must be added to the Edit Issue Screen. However, this field won’t be auto-updated if we add it to our issues with associations, as stated in the following documentation:

By default the Associations and Associations Count fields will be empty, they will be populated on the following association-related actions (eg: issue being associated):


  • A Salesforce object is created for the issue.

  • A Salesforce object is associated with the issue.

  • The issue is unassociated (unlinked) from a Salesforce object.

  • A Salesforce object is created (and associated with the issue) through workflow post-function.


  • A Jira issue is created for the object.

  • A Jira issue is associated with the object.

  • The object is unassociated (unlinked) from a Jira issue.

Since updating these fields could be time-consuming for our customers, we have the following alternative to report on Jira issues with associations.


You can use the following JQL query to search all the Jira issues associated with a SObject

Search by SOID

salesforceAssociatedIds ~ "<SOID>"
  • Examples:

    salesforceAssociatedIds ~ "5004x00000ePquLAAS"
    salesforceAssociatedIds ~ "500*"

Search by SObject name

  • Examples:

The salesforceAssociatedIds and salesforceAssociatedTypesparameters are related to the Jira entity property so it should be populated by default. More information about the Jira entity properties and Jira REST API can be found in the following documentation