Migrating from server to the cloud

Migrating from server to the cloud

This article walks you through the following topics:


Migration process

Before migrating your Numbered Captions app content from the server to the cloud, we recommend reading this Atlassian article to plan your migration.

Use the Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant app to migrate everything you need from the Confluence server to the Atlassian cloud. The Confluence Cloud Migration Assistant explains in detail the step-by-step procedure to migrate the required content.

The migration of data from server to cloud is an independent process from app installation or configuration in your cloud instance. We recommend that administrators verify that all your data is displayed properly after all processes are completed successfully. Please report any issues immediately after looking through the known problem list.

On completion of migration,

  • All global configuration in the Configuration page is transferred from the server instance to the cloud instance as specified in the Cloud Migration Assistant wizard.

  • If multiple migrations are performed on the same cloud instance, the latest migration takes precedence.

  • Any subsequent migrations performed on the same cloud instance only add or merge the data, but do not delete any existing data.


Most frequently asked questions

The most frequently asked questions are as follows:


What effect will migration have on my Numbered Captions macros?

For most users, it won’t affect the macros at all. Macro content will be migrated automatically as a part of migrating all other page content.


What are the differences between Numbered Captions server and Numbered Captions cloud?

There are no significant differences between the Numbered Captions server and the Numbered Captions cloud. The cloud offers all of the same functionality as a server. However, in the cloud, we have combined Scroll PDF and Word export functionality into a single option. Refer to the following table:







Scroll Export support

Generate Scroll captions for Scroll PDF


This option supports Scroll PDF export.


Generate Scroll captions for Scroll Word


This option supports Scroll Word export.


Scroll Export support


This option offers support for both Scroll PDF and Word export.

Add Caption button


Not supported

Property panel displaying the caption name


Due to limitations in the cloud, the property panel is not supported.


Is it possible to convert my Confluence Server license to Confluence Cloud?

Unfortunately, no. Server licenses are one-time purchases with optional maintenance, whereas Cloud purchases are recurring subscriptions. As such, existing Server app licenses cannot be transferred or credited to Cloud. These are independent licenses that need to be paid for separately.

If you purchased your Confluence Server license directly via the Atlassian Marketplace, you may contact Atlassian Support to see if you are eligible for a refund.

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