This documentation is for an old version of Dataplane Reports.
View the latest documentation, or the list of documentation for all versions.
2.6 Release Notes
David Goldstein
2.6.3/ 2.6.3-jira7
Maintenance release.
December 9, 2021
- Fixed compatibility issue with mysql-connector JDBC driver v8.0.23 and newer, due to an unexpected change in how the mysql-connector driver interprets time/date data. When running Jira on the latest mysql-connector driver versions, Dataplane reports are no longer blocked by error: "IncorrectDataTypeException: Error setting value for column <column name>: Data type Date was required, but found: java.time.LocalDateTime."
2.6.2/ 2.6.2-jira7
Maintenance release.
November 16, 2021
- Fixed incorrect calculation of Time in Status report average times when the report defined multiple status groups and not all Jira issues visited a status in every status group.
- Fixed column sorting of Jira project links in report results tables to sort based on project name rather than project key.
- Fixed column sorting in report results tables where, under rare conditions, the sorting of certain columns would be disabled or incorrectly-ordered due to incorrect detection of the type of data in the column.
2.6.1 / 2.6.1-jira7
Support for Jira 8.12+, reports directory performance improvements, and fixes.
September 25, 2020
- Support for Jira 8.12+.
- Improved performance of loading the reports directory page in instances with many hundreds to many thousands of shared Dataplane reports.
- Dataplane license information, including the Atlassian SEN #, are now directly visible on the Dataplane Administration → Support page.
- Fixed issue where existing selections for Dataplane Access Permissions and Customizer Script Permissions were removed when an invalid Jira user group name was entered for either setting. Due to cached values, the removal was only apparent after disabling/reenabling, uninstalling/reinstalling or upgrading Dataplane.
2.6 / 2.6-jira7
New Dataplane Administration home, and app administrator and user landing pages for easy access to configuration and tuning resources, and app evaluation, user and solution guides.
December 13, 2019
New Features
- New Dataplane Administration Home
- All Dataplane administration pages have been moved under "Arsenale Dataplane" on the Jira Administration → Manage Apps page to provide a more intuitive home for app administration, reduce context switching for Jira administrators, and allow Dataplane global settings to be easily found through the Jira Administration Search feature.
- New "Get Started" Page for Administrators
- Added landing page for Dataplane administrators, with on-boarding steps, and links to app configuration and tuning resources. It is accessible from the "Get started" link under "Arsenale Dataplane" on the left sidebar of the Jira Administration → Manage Apps page.
New "About Dataplane" Page for Users
Added landing page for new Dataplane users, with on-boarding information and links to feature documentation. It is accessible from the top-level Dataplane menu under Dataplane Reports → About Dataplane.
Increased time allowance for loading the Reports Directory page to avoid timeout errors preventing large lists of saved reports from being displayed.
Fixed issue preventing Jira administrators from modifying Dataplane user permissions when the administrators were not in a Jira user group given Dataplane Access Permission.
- Fixed issue where a Dataplane connection to the Jira database could be blocked and left open for hours during the nightly Dataplane index housekeeping task.
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