This documentation is for an old version of Dataplane Reports.
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2.4 Release Notes
David Goldstein
2.4.2 / 2.4.2-jira8
Maintenance release.
April 24, 2019
- Fixed error "Could not create the list of Tempo fields" that blocked Dataplane indexing on MySQL Jira instances with Tempo Timesheets installed.
Support for Jira 8.0 and 8.1.
April 4, 2019
- Jira 8 compatibility
Performance and stability improvements.
March 27, 2019
- Added Limit on the Number of Issues That Can Be Included in Report Results
- To block individual user reports from monopolizing system resources, Dataplane now limits report results to a maximum of 75,000 Jira issues. Reports returning more than this number of issues are prevented from running and instead display an error message to the user explaining the issue limit. The default issue limit is adjustable using JVM system property "" (e.g.
Fixed issue where historical indexer would abort indexing if it encountered an unexpected Jira field value due to bad or corrupted Jira issue data.
- Isolated Dataplane's bundled Javascript libraries to address the conflict resulting in error "numeral.locale is not a function".
Custom field support for Tempo Teams and Accounts and for Rank, Date-Time Pickers and JMCF scripted fields. Copy reports, view column and row totals, and display data values within charts. Indexing performance improvements, admin support for full data exports and imports, and AdoptOpenJDK compatibility.
February 27, 2019
New Features
- Support for New Custom Field Types
- Support for Tempo Timesheets Account and Team fields.
- Support for Innovalog's Jira Misc Custom Fields (JMCF) numeric, text and date-type scripted custom fields.
- Support for Jira Software's Rank custom field, allowing ordering of report data to match your Boards.
- Support for Jira Date-Time Picker custom fields.
- Copy Reports From the Reports Directory
- Make a copy of any report right from the Saved Reports directory using the new Copy Report menu item.
- Automatic Totals of All Data Columns and Rows
- Report data tables now automatically total up numeric columns in the table footer, and rows in the right-most table column.
- Optionally Display Data Values Within Charts
- Perfect for sharing PDF exports and report subscriptions, you can now automatically display all report data values within your charted results.
- Full App Data Exports and Imports
- Added ability to export and import all Dataplane app data to support administrators migrating Dataplane to a new Jira instance or wishing to make surgical changes to existing app data without having to use SQL commands.
- Compatibility with AdoptOpenJDK 8 Java
- Compatibility with Atlassian's recommended OpenJDK implementation for teams switching from Oracle JDK environments.
- Indexing Performance Improvements
- Significant performance increase when doing full Dataplane index builds on Postgres, SQL Server and Oracle databases.
- Performance Improvements in Processing Customizer Scripts
- Improved responsiveness of running reports with Customizer Scripts.
- Isolated Javascript Libraries from Conflict with Other Apps
- A number of other Jira apps that bundle the same Javascript libraries as Dataplane would interfere with Dataplane's use of its own bundled libraries, causing a multitude of UI and functionality problems. Isolated Dataplane's bundled Javascript libraries to avoid conflicts with Tempo Timesheets, XpandIT Xporter, XpandIT Xray, apps from Deviniti and others.
- Renamed Report Configuration Option "Issue Field" to "Value Of"
- For clarity, this report configuration option is now consistently named across all report types.
Stability Fixes
Fixed bug where upgrading from Jira 6.x to 7.x with an incompatible/old Jira Toolkit plugin caused Dataplane to not start up due to problems referencing Jira Toolkit custom fields.
- Fixed Java memory leak that could occur under certain conditions when navigating to another web page from Jira Dashboards containing Dataplane gadgets.
Fixed condition where, under certain circumstances, exceeding available database connections could make Jira unresponsive.
- Fixed condition managing database table resources which could result in a fatal app error: "Got SQL exception transforming JQL: the table arthash is full".
- Fixed issue where lack of a primary key in the app's "artstatemap" database table was causing Percona MySQL replication problems. Added primary key to this table.
- Fixed condition where database connection failures during app startup could cause the exception "ClassNotFoundException: oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver not found from bundle", break the cluster lock status, and force Dataplane to shut down.
- Reporting Fixes
- Fixed issue where, under certain conditions, Dataplane would miss indexing historical data for custom fields when those custom fields had translated field names. This was resulting in missing report data.
- Fixed reporting bug in the Issue Values by Date report. That report displays all issue values during a given period, however certain values were being excluded if the value was different before the start of a reporting interval, and the value then changed on the first day of that reporting interval.
- Fixed incorrectly calculated range axis values and missing chart data in grouped column charts, line charts and area charts when the report contained a Customizer Script.
- Customizer Script Fixes
- Fixed bug preventing users from addressing report data table columns uniquely within a Customizer Script when two table columns referenced the same Jira field, only distinguished by one displaying current values for the field and the other displaying historical values.
Fixed Customizer Script bug where certain Groovy statements referencing allowed data types would report a "SecurityException: Access denied to restricted type" error and prevent the Customizer Script from running.
- Fixed bug in Closure Time and Resolution Time reports preventing users from re-titling report summary statistics (e.g. "Max Transition (h)") via Customizer Scripts.
Usability Fixes
- Fixed bug where, if a user attempted to click through to the Jira Issue Navigator from a report data table, the action would fail if the supporting data was not yet generated.
- Removed ability for users to right-click chart tooltip links to get to the Jira Issue Navigator, as the supporting data was inconsistently available.
Fixed Dataplane Administration page bug where the active zone for clicking on add/remove group buttons extended far outside the buttons.
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