This documentation is for an old version of Dataplane Reports.
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2.5 Release Notes
David Goldstein
2.5.1 / 2.5.1-jira7
Jira Data Center and Jira 8 fixes.
October 4, 2019
- Fixed Jira Data Center bug where, upon adding a new custom field to Jira and clicking on "Sync Index" on the Dataplane Reports → Administration page to refresh Dataplane's list of known custom fields, that custom field would only be available to users running reports on one of the Jira nodes in the multi-node cluster. Clicking the "Sync Index" button now refreshes Dataplane's list of known custom fields on all Jira Data Center nodes.
- (Jira 8 only) Fixed problem with upgrading Dataplane to a Jira 8-compatible release immediately after upgrading from Jira 7 to Jira 8. The Jira App Manager interprets Dataplane version number "v2.5-jira8" (for Jira 8 only) as a pre-release of "v2.5" (for Jira 7 only), and will not install v2.5-jira8 with v2.5 installed. Dataplane releases for Jira 7 only now use a "-jira7" suffix (e.g. "v2.5.1-jira7"), and those for Jira 8 use no qualifying suffix (e.g. "v2.5.1").
- (Jira 8 only) Fixed issue blocking running reports that use a ScriptRunner custom field returning a Date/Time value. Jira's internal format for storing Date/Time field values changed in Jira 8.
- (Jira 8 only) Fixed aesthetic issues introduced by Jira 8.4: removed gray background color from certain HTML form elements that made them appear disabled, and removed extraneous highlights around HTML form elements in focus.
2.5 / 2.5-jira8
Data Center Approved release, app indexing and support tools, app install performance improvements and maintenance fixes.
September 11, 2019
New Features
Data Center Approved
Certified by Atlassian as Data Center Approved. While Arsenale Dataplane for Jira Server has been running on customer Data Center instances for years—every Dataplane for Jira Server release since 2014 has been compatible with Jira Data Center, and tested to perform in that environment—we recognize the assurance Atlassian's Data Center Approved program provides. See Atlassian's Data Center Approved Apps FAQ for more details on the certification program.
- New Indexing and Support Tools
- To limit downtime, added optional JVM property to enable an automatic, full rebuild of the Dataplane history index upon discovery of any critical, unrecoverable index data errors.
- To facilitate app support, added REST endpoint allowing admins to export all key parameters of the runtime environment for sharing with Arsenale Support.
- Improved speed of app installation and enable/disable by updating elements of Java application framework.
- Built-in reports now link to Dataplane's online Reports Guide for full report descriptions and common use help information.
- Added new user feedback link on app Administration page to facilitate admin communication with Arsenale Support.
- Removed app-wide user feedback widget to clean up report presentation.
(Jira 8 only) Fixed Javascript conflict with Power Scripts app (and possibly other apps) preventing Dataplane pages from fully loading.
- (Jira 8 only) Fixed error "Got SQL exception transforming JQL" when trying to run reports with certain types of custom fields. Reporting was broken for ScriptRunner and Jira Misc Custom Field (JMCF) numeric and date custom fields (e.g. JMCF Transition Date Time) due to type-conversion issues.
- Fixed issue where duplicate entires found in Dataplane's 'artstatemap' database table would cause Dataplane's nightly index maintenance task to mark the index as corrupted and require a full index rebuild. Dataplane now gracefully removes any duplicate entries.
- Fixed bug where, under certain conditions, installing or enabling the Dataplane app could cause duplicate app tasks to be created, resulting in unexpected behavior including Dataplane index corruption.
- Fixed bug where, under certain conditions, disabling, uninstalling or upgrading Dataplane did not terminate and remove old app threads, resulting in unexpected behavior including Dataplane index corruption.
Fixed bug on certain installations that caused reports to fail with error "Received HTTP error 500 requesting report" due to the underlying logged error 'relation "public.AO_6714C7_CALCVAL_GROUP" does not exist'.
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