Few MultiExcerpt Plugin modules are required to utilize the wiki markup functionality

This article provides an overview of the modules that should be enabled to utilize the Wiki Markup functionality fully.


By default, some modules are disabled in the Multiexcerpt app. To use multiexcerpt and multiexcerpt-include macros in Wiki Markup, the following modules need to be enabled:


  1. multi-excerpt: This macro is used to identify multiple excerpts within a page using the legacy wiki markup.

  2. multi-excerpt-include: This macro allows you to include multiple excerpts from another page using the legacy wiki markup. Additionally, an alternative module can be enabled for users who prefer using the name "multiexcerpt" instead of "multi-excerpt" for the excerpt macro:

  3. multiexcerpt: This legacy macro serves the same purpose as "multi-excerpt" but without the dash. Ignore this module.

  4. multi-excerpt-append: This macro is used to append content to an existing excerpt on the same page.

  • In addition to these modules, other disabled modules in Confluence support migration use cases. For example, if you plan to migrate your Confluence site from the Cloud to the Server, some of these modules can be enabled to ensure Cloud macros work on the Server.