How to create Slack notifications about newly created chat in Jira Cloud.

Problem: Newly created chats are not always observed on time.

Proposed solution: Create a Slack notification to mention newly created Chat

Automation rule creation

For this purpose we will use built in automation.

As a trigger we would like to have issue creation:

we need to have a condition that only tickets created by Chat will be picked up. Let us add a condition:

and use Request Type “Chat”

Using any other field will not work. They are set up after issue creation and will not be picked up.

Then in actions chose option to send Slack message:

Click a link below the input field for the webhook URL:

Chose a channel to which you would like to send a notification:

and click “Add Incoming Webhook Integration:

You can customize name and Icon, but is not required:

Copy the URL and go back to Automation:

Paste the Webhook URL

After that Click “Save” button and Publish change: