Cloud - How to make Chat Widget fullscreen

In cases like placing Chat Widget at a certain place in a product in an embedded browser (mobile/desktop application) or iframe, it would be best for Chat Widget to be opened automatically and as fullscreen to occupy all visible areas in the frame.


In order to achieve that, you may simply add a parameter in the Chat Widget JavaScript like the following (line 12),



<script type="text/javascript"> var spartezSupportChat = { portal: 1, cloud: { jiraId: 'xxxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx', jiraUrl: '', urls: { rest: '', ws: '' }, }, fullScreen: true //meta: [ // optional, custom metadata to store in the issue created from conversation. // { render: true, name: "Value Name 1", value: val1 }, // "render" values will be displayed in the chat dashboard // { render: false, name: "Value Name 2", value: val2 }, //], // delay: 100, // delay between page load and chat load in milliseconds // container: 'spartez-support-chat-container', // ID of the page element that will be replaced by chat // iconClass: '', // additional class added to the chat icon // chatClass: '', // additional class added to the chat widget // locale: 'en-us' // force a specified locale for displaying texts to the user // instead of detecting it from the browser } </script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>



For example, it will look like the screenshot below when you use fullScreen with iframe in a browser once the page is opened.