Differences between the Server, Data Center, and Cloud MultiExcerpt App
Cloud VS Server/Data Center
Please review the MultiExcerpt Cloud - User Guide
Features not available in the cloud:
Admin controls
There is no Admin page available. Currently, we don't have any plans to add this but we always welcome feedback & use cases from our users.
MultiExcerpt Enhanced Permissions Macro
Please Vote or watch - MEPOD-15Getting issue details... STATUS to let us know you are interested in getting this feature added to the cloud version.
On cloud there is a similar feature with Fallback Permission Handling
Find Include Feature
Please vote or watch - MEPOD-58Getting issue details... STATUS or - MEPOD-57Getting issue details... STATUS to let us know you are interested in getting this feature added to the cloud version.
Inline Comments Included
Read MultiExcerpt - Inline Comments for more details on how this feature works in Server/DC. Please vote or watch - MEPOD-85Getting issue details... STATUS to let us know you are interested in getting this feature added to the cloud version.
Features only on Cloud
Minor rendering differences
There are two different page editors in Cloud: the new editor and Legacy. You have to choose them when you create a page you may see the error "Nested third-party macros are not supported inside MultiExcerpts" or something similar if you attempt to do any of the following
3rd party macros/plugins for Confluence Cloud are rendered using the Confluence Connect framework.
There are many limitations for Connect macros, especially in the areas of nesting and styling. Atlassian does not implement their own macros using Connect so their “native” macros are not subject to all of these limitations. Therefore, users often mistakenly think that a 3rd party macro is broken with it is actually running into some limitation of Connect.
Here is a list of some of the nesting issues that we have encountered with Connect macros:
The Inline macro is limited to 300px wide. Please see - MEPOD-49Getting issue details... STATUS
Is handled differently and there are no controls for caching
MultiExcerpt Cloud Data Storage & Privacy
Server VS Data Center
User experience
The user will not see any difference between Server and Data Center. All features are the same on both.
Differences the user won't notice
Works over clusters
Expanded performance testing
Meets all Atlassian requirements for security, performance, scalability, and stability in a DC deployment
other Cloud specific documentation