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This routine is available starting with SIL Engine™




Returns some basic information about the Jira server.

Return type


Example 1

JServerInfo info = serverInfo();

string [] info = serverInfo();
	runnerLog("OS: " + info["os"]);
	runnerLog("OS Version: " + info["osVersion"]);
	runnerLog("Java Home: " + info["javaHome"]);
	runnerLog("Java Version: " + info["javaVersion"]);
	runnerLog("System Processors: " + info["processors"]);
	runnerLog("Free Java Memory: " + info["freeMemory"]);
	runnerLog("Max Java Memory: " + info["maxMemory"]);
	runnerLog("Total Java Memory: " + info["totalMemory"]);
	runnerLog("User Name: " + info["userName"]);
	runnerLog("User Directory: " + info["userDir"]);
	runnerLog("User Home: " + info["userHome"]);
	runnerLog("Root Info: " + info["rootInfo"]);

Returns :

OS: Windows 10
OS Version: 10.0
Java Home: C:\PROGRA~1\ATLASS~1\JIRA~1\jre
Java Version: 1.8.0_181
System Processors: 4
Free Memory: 457 MB
Max Memory: 1820 MB
Total Memory: 1807 MB
User Name: JOEUSER
User Directory: C:\Program Files\Atlassian\JIRA
User Home: C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile
Root Info: Root: C:\,Total: 487308 MB,Free: 60428 MB,Usable: 60428 MB|Root: D:\,Total: 5173 MB,Free: 0 MB,Usable: 0 MB

See also