Creating and editing secrets

DECember 2023 We have released an improved version of Security and Encryption for Confluence Cloud with enhanced security. Check out the next steps for administrators.


Storing sensitive information on Confluence Cloud is simple with the Secret macro. The macro encrypts sensitive information before it gets transmitted over the network and before it gets saved in Confluence. This way, you can securely store and share sensitive information while collaborating with your team members on Confluence.

Secret macros belong to the space. This means they are automatically accessible by anyone who can access the space and is part of the macros access control configuration. More details are available on this page

Creating a secret


  • search and select Secret from the macro browser

  • or use the keyboard shortcut ( "/" for the new editor or "{" for the old editor)

The Insert Secret Macro window is displayed.

  • enter the Title

This is the text that will appear to anyone who is viewing the secret block.

  • enter a Description

  • enter the sensitive information that you would like to encrypt and store in the Secret field

This field accepts single or multi-line text characters and emojis.

  • choose the Access tab to set access restrictions

To make the Secret accessible to specific users and groups

  • type in a user or user group name

  • add other users or groups as owners under User Owners or Group Owners

Secret Owners and Secret Users

By default you are the Owner of the secret because you are its creator

  • Owners can access and change the contents of a Secret, whereas Users are limited to read-only access

  • Owners can also add/remove access to Secrets

  • both users and groups who are Owners of the macro have similar access and edit abilities

  • a member of a secret Group Owner will be automatically made a User Owner when they edit the secret that the group owns

After choosing Insert, you'll have something that looks like below in the Confluence editor.

  • Publish the page to see the results

Editing a secret

In the page editor

  • choose the Secret macro you would like to edit

When the Secret macro block is highlighted

  • choose the pencil icon to edit the macro

  • make the needed changes to any field

  • choose Save

  • Publish/Update the page

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