Searching and listing secrets

DECember 2023 We have released an improved version with enhanced security of Security and Encryption for Confluence Cloud. Check out the next steps for administrators.


If you would like quick access to the secrets or forget what page contains the secret you want to access, you can search for secrets using two options.

Option 1 - Using the central list of secrets

In the Confluence side bar menu

  • choose Secret List

You'll see a list of secrets available in the space.

  • choose the secret from the list

Option 2 - Using the Confluence Search box

In the Confluence top menu bar

  • choose the Search text field

  • choose Advanced search

  • filter by Type

    • choose Secret List

  • search for secrets by title or description

  • select the search result title to get to the detail page for the secret

Known issue

Restored secrets do not appear in search results due to a known bug in Confluence. See CONFCLOUD-70589.