Deleting secrets

Deleting secrets

DECember 2023 We have released an improved version of Security and Encryption for Confluence Cloud with enhanced security. Check out the next steps for administrators.


When you create a Secret macro, it is automatically available as an entity for the whole space.

The secret macros belong to the space not the individual page.

Deleting a secret from a page does not remove the secret form the space

  • to completely delete a secret from the space, you must delete the secret in the space

You must also be either the space administrator or the secret owner to perform secret deletion from a space.


In the Confluence left hand side bar menu

  • choose Secret List

  • select the title of the secret to be deleted

  • choose Delete to send the secret to space trash

  • choose Delete to confirm the deletion

On the page with the secret, the Secret macro is rendered as locked and (Deleted).

If you're a space administrator, you may restore or purge the space trash. This includes restoring deleted secrets from the space trash.