How to create or update pages with a run dialog
This is a simple example of using a run dialog to affect content. There are a number of techniques that can be used. An alternative to what is described here is to use the Scripting for Confluence - this involves some scripting but is more flexible for some use cases.
- Create a page
- Construct the parameters for the run macro to match your requirements. See the other examples and documentation.
- Configure the Run CLI Actions in Confluence with profile for the local Confluence instance.
- Test
Wiki markup
{run:replace=name:$current_user_name:Name,happy:Yes:Are you happy?:radio::Yes::No|titleRun=Update page} {cli:profile=confluence|hideOutput=true} --action storePage --space experiment --title "mypage - $name" --parent @home --content "This is the page for $name. Am I happy? $happy" {cli} [mypage - $name] page updated. {run}
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