Scripting for Confluence

The Scripting for Confluence app does not support Javascript macro from Confluence v8.9.2.

  • The Javascript macro fails if Confluence is upgraded to 8.9.x and Java is on version 17. Atlassian has started supporting Java 17, starting with version 8.9.x. Read more.


Allow page content to be created using a scripting language. The power of a add-on without the need for a development environment.

The scripting languages include

  1. Groovy 
  2. Gant 
  3. Jython
  4. BeanShell
  5. Javascript (Rhino) - server based


  1. Powerful scripting capabilities using GroovyJythonBeanshell, or Javascript
  2. Pre-defined variables give you access to many Confluence managers and capabilities
  3. Scripts can be located in the most convenient place for the use case
    1. macro body
    2. attachment to any page
    3. global template
    4. space template
    5. server file system
  4. Secure use via Macro Security for Confluence

Related Add-ons

Macro Security for Confluence

  • Protection against unauthorized use.

More Information


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  • Compatibility
  • Pricing

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