Time in Status


Identify bottlenecks and gain insights into the time issues spend in different statuses: Analyze status time per issue, per status, per assignee, or over a specific date range.

  • Bottleneck Identification: Easily spot bottlenecks in your projects by analyzing how long statuses remain active in your Jira issues.

  • Performance Evaluation: Evaluate team performance by seeing who's effectively moving issues through various statuses.

  • Issue Analysis: Dive deep into individual issues to understand how much time each issue spent in different statuses.

  • Cross-Project Reports: Generate comprehensive reports across multiple projects to track time spent on each status, assignee, etc.


Select statuses

Select which statuses to include in the report, you can include individually a status each time, or all the statuses in a specific status category by clicking in the TO DO, IN PROGRESS, or DONE sections, see the following interactive demo:


Status groups

Creating your own status groups lets you merge multiple statuses into a single category, simplifying and enhancing your reporting capabilities.

Some aggregations may not make sense if you combine individual statuses with groups that include some of those included individual statuses e.g., a group called “Already done“ containing status “Failed” and status “Completed”, use together with the status “Failed” again.


Report type

Report by status

Analyze time distribution across statuses to identify workflow bottlenecks and optimize efficiency.

Select any of the two view types: Pie chart or 1D Pivot Table

Report by assignee

Evaluate how different team members are progressing through tasks and how much time they spend in each status.

Select any of the three view types: 2D Pivot Table, Stacked Bar Chart, Grouped Bar Chart

Report by issue

Dive deep into individual issues to understand their status progression through its lifecycle and identify areas for improvement.

Report by date

Track how long issues have stayed in each status on a specific period of time (day, week, month, quarter, year). This allows teams to track and analyze status durations across the whole portfolio, seeing its evolution over time, plotted against a timeline.

For instance, last week:

  • an issue TIS-1 was 2 hours in the To Do status, 3 hours in the In Progress status,

  • and TIS-2 was 5 hours in the To Do status and 8 hours in the In Progress status.

Then, the 'Report by date' report shows for Last Week 7 hours in the To Do status and 11 hours in the In Progress status.

Select any of the four view types: Multi Line chart, Stacked Area chart, Grouped Bar chart, Stacked Bar chart. Each segment (e.g., each line in the multi-line) represents one status.


History to retrieve

To enhance the precision of your report, you can trim the history of your issues. Thus, you can filter out historical data within a specified timeframe. This involves choosing both a "before" and "after" date to exclude data, ensuring that the time in status of relevant issues during that period are disregarded in calculations.


You can display the time in three different formats: hours, Days, or time-centric (w for weeks, d for days, h for hours, m for minutes).


You can decide how to calculate the time in each status:

  • Mean: The average of all the time spent in each status.

  • Sum: The total sum of all the time spent in each status.

  • Max: The maximum time spent in a status.

  • Min: The minimum time spent in a status.

Time in Status is cumulative per status, and the total time is averaged across statuses.

Lead time counts the time from the moment a piece of work is in a To Do status until the moment that piece of work reaches a Done status. However, Time in Status doesn’t stop counting when that work reaches the Done status.

Unassigned is included as None in reports.


Custom colors

The color picker allows the selection of the color of each specific segment or value either by hexadecimal code, RGB, or our pre-defined 24-color palette (selected based on the right contrasts and tones).


Hide segments

When you click on the eye icon, the corresponding segment is hidden (or shown) in the chart.

Reorder segments

Just drag and drop any segment or value from the six dots on the left side of the segments and move it upwards or downwards to the correct place, and the chart will be updated accordingly.


Name your gadget meaningfully, so everyone knows at a glance what it is about and when to use it. Fill out the rest of the fields as applicable, namely:

  • The datasource, where the source Jira instance is installed.

  • Use a filter or a custom JQL (Jira Query Language) query to define the dataset for analysis. This query will determine the data used to calculate the work time that was required in the different statuses.

  • The statuses to be included in the report (see this section).

  • The history of the issues to be retrieved, so the report is more precise.

  • The reporting type, whether you want to report by statuses, issues or assignees.

  • The view type, you can change the view of reports to better communicate the result.

  • The format of the displayed time: Hours, days or time centric.

  • The measure used to calculate the time in status: Mean, sum, max or min.

  • Finally, indicate if you want to use the current settings for all the compatible gadgets in the dashboard. This option eases the pain of configuring one by one the rest of the gadgets with the same default configuration


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See also

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