Customer Satisfaction
A way to assess how the team is performing is by sending a survey to customers when a request is resolved. Then, review their comments and ratings to understand what went well, what went bad, and then improve the your service levels.
This gadget is multi-project, so you can report across your whole portfolio of projects
This gadget displays the customer satisfaction average rating in a period of time, together with the last customer satisfaction rating. It also displays a comparison with the previous period of time, to quickly evaluate if the team is doing better or need improvement.
Name your gadget meaningfully, so everyone knows at a glance what it is about and when to use it. Fill out the rest of the fields as applicable, namely:
The datasource, where Current indicates the Jira Service Management instance where the app is installed.
Data based on either
The JQL (Jira Query Language) query or filter to filter the list of issues (see the JQL documentation). For example, to list all the issues of the project Teams in Space use the clause
project = "TIS”
. Remember that the gadget returns dynamically the query results, which are not fixed and could change over time.Or the projects and the queues where the requests are. Double check that you select a queue that displays closed issues, since the customer satisfaction feedback survey (CSAT) is sent when the issues are resolved.
The period of time you want to display the customer satisfaction ratings.
Finally, indicate if you want to use the current settings for all the compatible gadgets in the dashboard. This option eases the pain of configuring one by one the rest of the gadgets with the same default configuration