Activities per Time Period
The different stages of the sales funnel account for a variety of activities to communicate with prospects and clients. Keeping track of these interactions is an important part of continuos improvement of the sales process.
This gadget displays all the relevant activities performed over a specific period of time.
This gadget only works with Sales CRM
Name your gadget meaningfully, so everyone knows at a glance what it is about and when to use it. Fill out the rest of the fields as applicable, namely:
The datasource, indicate the account where you want to fetch the data from.
The workspace and the board where the activities are located. The workspace has to be from sales CRM, and the board Activities.
The filter for the board items. You can filter the items of the Activities board using the filtering mechanism, the selected values will be the ones displayed in the chart.
The View Type, select between two different charts: Grouped bar chart or Stacked bar chart.
The Filter by activity date, select the period of time where the activities to be displayed occurred.
The Preview doesn’t take into account the last selected time period to avoid performance issues, but once the gadget is saved, that information is updated and displayed properly in the dashboard.
Finally, indicate if you want to use the current settings for all the compatible gadgets in the dashboard. This option eases the pain of configuring one by one the rest of the gadgets with the same default configuration
sales CRM
We are working on our growing catalog of Product and Data Integration, but drop us a line in case you want us to expedite a specific one, visit our Help Center.
This gadget appears in the following dashboard: Sales CRM for Template (see Sales CRM dashboard).
See also
Log a request with our support team for:
Dashboard Hub Pro, Dashboard Hub for and Dashboard Hub for Confluence
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