

Retrieves the JCustomFieldOption array of a custom field. If projectIssueTypesNames is empty or is not provided, the global context is going to be used. If the filterDisabled parameter is used set to true, all disabled options are excluded from the result. In case of cascade selects, the optionId represents the id of the parent option. This function only handles custom fields of the following types: single select, multi select, radio buttons, checkboxes and cascading selects.


Return Type


Returns an array of JCustomFieldOption structures representing the options of the specified custom field.



Get the options of the checkbox custom field, using the context for project with key TP and issue types Bug and Task.

JProjectIssueTypes[] projectIssueTypesNames; JProjectIssueTypes map; map.projectKey = "TP"; map.issueTypesNames = {"Task", "Bug"}; projectIssueTypesNames = arrayAddElement(projectIssueTypesNames, map); JCustomFieldOption[] customFieldOptions = admGetCustomFieldOptions("checkbox", projectIssueTypesNames); int indexCC = 1; for(JCustomFieldOption option in customFieldOptions) { runnerLog("---option " + indexCC + "---"); runnerLog("id = " +; runnerLog("optionId = " + option.optionId); runnerLog("value = " + option.value); runnerLog("disabled = " + option.disabled); indexCC = indexCC + 1; } runnerLog("_________________________________________________");

Possible result as a string:

---option 1--- id = 10044 optionId = value = option1 disabled = false ---option 2--- id = 10045 optionId = value = option2 disabled = true

See also

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.