Jira Service Management Functions

Jira Service Management Functions


Jira Service Management Structures

Below you’ll find the fields of the structures and some examples for each of them to get you an idea of what it is and what it does.


string name; JSlaCompletedCycle[] completedCycles; JSlaOngoingCycle ongoingCycle;



date startTime; date stopTime; boolean breached; number goalDuration; number elepsedTime; number remainingTime;



date startTime; date breachedTime; boolean breached; boolean paused; boolean withinCalendarHours; number goalDuration; number elepsedTime; number remainingTime;


Example 1 - getting the information from SLA customfield

JSlaInformation slaInfo = %key%.customfield_10056; //change the customfield to match your cf_id runnerLog("slaInfoName = " + slaInfo.name); JSlaOngoingCycle slaOC = slaInfo.ongoingCycle; runnerLog("---ongoingCycle---"); runnerLog("startTime = " + slaOC.startTime); runnerLog("breachTime = " + slaOC.breachTime); runnerLog("breached = " + slaOC.breached); runnerLog("paused = " + slaOC.paused); runnerLog("withinCalendarHours = " + slaOC.withinCalendarHours); runnerLog("goalDuration = " + slaOC.goalDuration); runnerLog("elapsedTime = " + slaOC.elapsedTime); runnerLog("remainingTime = " + slaOC.remainingTime); int indexCC = 1; for(JSlaCompletedCycle slaCC in slaInfo.completedCycles) { runnerLog("---completedCycle " + indexCC + "---"); runnerLog("startTime = " + slaCC.startTime); runnerLog("stopTime = " + slaCC.stopTime); runnerLog("breached = " + slaCC.breached); runnerLog("goalDuration = " + slaCC.goalDuration); runnerLog("elapsedTime = " + slaCC.elapsedTime); runnerLog("remainingTime = " + slaCC.remainingTime); indexCC = indexCC + 1; } runnerLog("_________________________________________________");


Example 2 - getting the information from getSlaInformation function

JSlaInformation[] slaInfos = getSlaInformation("SM-1"); int indexBC = 1; for(JSlaInformation slaInfo in slaInfos) { runnerLog("---SLA " + indexBC + "---"); runnerLog("slaInfoName = " + slaInfo.name); JSlaOngoingCycle slaOC = slaInfo.ongoingCycle; runnerLog("---ongoingCycle---"); runnerLog("startTime = " + slaOC.startTime); runnerLog("breachTime = " + slaOC.breachTime); runnerLog("breached = " + slaOC.breached); runnerLog("paused = " + slaOC.paused); runnerLog("withinCalendarHours = " + slaOC.withinCalendarHours); runnerLog("goalDuration = " + slaOC.goalDuration); runnerLog("elapsedTime = " + slaOC.elapsedTime); runnerLog("remainingTime = " + slaOC.remainingTime); int indexCC = 1; for(JSlaCompletedCycle slaCC in slaInfo.completedCycles) { runnerLog("---completedCycle " + indexCC + "---"); runnerLog("startTime = " + slaCC.startTime); runnerLog("stopTime = " + slaCC.stopTime); runnerLog("breached = " + slaCC.breached); runnerLog("goalDuration = " + slaCC.goalDuration); runnerLog("elapsedTime = " + slaCC.elapsedTime); runnerLog("remainingTime = " + slaCC.remainingTime); indexCC = indexCC + 1; } indexBC = indexBC + 1; } runnerLog("_________________________________________________");



JSMCustomerRequestActions actions; string[] attachments; //attachments ids number[] comments; //commentsIds date createdDate; JSMCustomerRequestStatus currentStatus; number issueId; string issueKey; JUser[] participants; JUser reporter; number requestTypeId; number serviceDeskId; number[] slaIds; JSMCustomerRequestStatus[] status;



boolean addAttachment; boolean addComment; boolean addParticipant; boolean removeParticipant;



string status; string statusCategory; date statusDate;


Example 1 - get customer request with key/id

JSMCustomerRequest customerRequest = getCustomerRequest("SM-1"); JSMCustomerRequestActions customerRequestActions = customerRequest.actions; runnerLog("---actions---"); runnerLog("addAttachment = " + customerRequestActions.addAttachment); runnerLog("addComment = " + customerRequestActions.addComment); runnerLog("addParticipant = " + customerRequestActions.addParticipant); runnerLog("removeParticipant = " + customerRequestActions.removeParticipant); runnerLog("-------------"); runnerLog("attachments = " + customerRequest.attachments); runnerLog("comments = " + customerRequest.comments); runnerLog("createdDate = " + customerRequest.createdDate); JSMCustomerRequestStatus customerRequestCurrentStatus = customerRequest.currentStatus; runnerLog("---currentStatus---"); runnerLog("status = " + customerRequestCurrentStatus.status); runnerLog("statusCategory = " + customerRequestCurrentStatus.statusCategory); runnerLog("statusDate = " + customerRequestCurrentStatus.statusDate); runnerLog("-------------------"); runnerLog("issueId = " + customerRequest.issueId); runnerLog("issueKey = " + customerRequest.issueKey); int indexPP = 1; for(JUser participant in customerRequest.participants) { runnerLog("---participant " + indexPP + "---"); runnerLog("key = " + participant.key); runnerLog("username = " + participant.username); runnerLog("displayname = " + participant.displayname); runnerLog("email = " + participant.email); indexPP = indexPP + 1; } runnerLog("--------------"); runnerLog("---reporter---"); runnerLog("key = " + customerRequest.reporter.key); runnerLog("username = " + customerRequest.reporter.username); runnerLog("displayname = " + customerRequest.reporter.displayname); runnerLog("email = " + customerRequest.reporter.email); runnerLog("--------------"); runnerLog("requestTypeId = " + customerRequest.requestTypeId); runnerLog("serviceDeskId = " + customerRequest.serviceDeskId); runnerLog("slaIds: " + customerRequest.slaIds); int indexCC = 1; for(JSMCustomerRequestStatus customerRequestStatus in customerRequest.status) { runnerLog("---customerRequestStatus " + indexCC + "---"); runnerLog("status = " + customerRequestStatus.status); runnerLog("statusCategory = " + customerRequestStatus.statusCategory); runnerLog("statusDate = " + customerRequestStatus.statusDate); indexCC = indexCC + 1; } runnerLog("_________________________________________________");


Example 2 - get only the statuses in which a customer request was

JSMCustomerRequestStatus[] customerRequestCurrentStatuses = getCustomerRequestStatus("SM-1"); int indexCC = 1; for(JSMCustomerRequestStatus customerRequestStatus in customerRequestCurrentStatuses) { runnerLog("---customerRequestStatus " + indexCC + "---"); runnerLog("status = " + customerRequestStatus.status); runnerLog("statusCategory = " + customerRequestStatus.statusCategory); runnerLog("statusDate = " + customerRequestStatus.statusDate); indexCC = indexCC + 1; } runnerLog("_________________________________________________");



JSMApprover[] approvers; boolean canAnswerApproval; date completedDate; date createdDate; string finalDecision; number id; string name;



JUser approver; string approverDecision;


Example 1 - getting all approvals for the request provided

JSMApproval[] approvals = getApprovals("SM-1"); int indexVal = 1; for(JSMApproval approval in approvals) { runnerLog("---approval " + indexVal + "---"); JSMApprover[] approvers = approval.approvers; int indexVer = 1; for(JSMApprover approver in approvers) { runnerLog("---approver " + indexVer + "---"); JUser currentApprover = approver.approver; runnerLog("approver key = " + currentApprover.key); runnerLog("approver username = " + currentApprover.username); runnerLog("approver displayname = " + currentApprover.displayname); runnerLog("approver email = " + currentApprover.email); runnerLog("approverDecision = " + approver.approverDecision); indexVal = indexVal + 1; } runnerLog("--------------"); runnerLog("canAnswerApproval = " + approval.canAnswerApproval); runnerLog("completedDate = " + approval.completedDate); runnerLog("createdDate = " + approval.createdDate); runnerLog("finalDecision = " + approval.finalDecision); runnerLog("id = " + approval.id); runnerLog("name = " + approval.name); } runnerLog("_________________________________________________");


Example 2 - getting Approval by id

JSMApproval approval = getApproval("SM-1", 5); JSMApprover[] approvers = approval.approvers; int indexVer = 1; for(JSMApprover approver in approvers) { runnerLog("---approver " + indexVer + "---"); JUser currentApprover = approver.approver; runnerLog("approver key = " + currentApprover.key); runnerLog("approver username = " + currentApprover.username); runnerLog("approver displayname = " + currentApprover.displayname); runnerLog("approver email = " + currentApprover.email); runnerLog("approverDecision = " + approver.approverDecision); indexVer = indexVer + 1; } runnerLog("--------------"); runnerLog("canAnswerApproval = " + approval.canAnswerApproval); runnerLog("completedDate = " + approval.completedDate); runnerLog("createdDate = " + approval.createdDate); runnerLog("finalDecision = " + approval.finalDecision); runnerLog("id = " + approval.id); runnerLog("name = " + approval.name); runnerLog("_________________________________________________");



JUser author; string created; string filename; string mimeType; string size;



JSMAttachment[] attachments = getAttachmentsForRequest("SM-1"); int indexVal = 1; for(JSMAttachment attachment in attachments) { runnerLog("---attachment " + indexVal + "---"); JUser author = attachment.author; runnerLog("---author---"); runnerLog("key = " + author.key); runnerLog("username = " + author.username); runnerLog("displayname = " + author.displayname); runnerLog("email = " + author.email); runnerLog("--------------"); runnerLog("created = " + attachment.created); runnerLog("filename = " + attachment.filename); runnerLog("mimeType = " + attachment.mimeType); runnerLog("size = " + attachment.size); indexVal = indexVal + 1; } runnerLog("_________________________________________________");



JSMAttachment[] attachments JUser author; string body; string created; number id; boolean isPublic; string renderedBody;


Example 1 - get all (or just public / private) comments for request

//getCommentsForRequest("SM-1"); //for all, or getCommentsForRequest("SM-1", true); for publicOnly or getCommentsForRequest("SM-1", false); for privateOnly //This will not retrieve the renderedBody and the attachments, if you need those please see the Example 2. JSMComment[] comments = getCommentsForRequest("SM-1"); int indexVal = 1; for(JSMComment comment in comments) { runnerLog("---comment " + indexVal + "---"); JUser author = comment.author; runnerLog("---author---"); runnerLog("key = " + author.key); runnerLog("username = " + author.username); runnerLog("displayname = " + author.displayname); runnerLog("email = " + author.email); runnerLog("--------------"); runnerLog("body = " + comment.body); runnerLog("created = " + comment.created); runnerLog("id = " + comment.id); runnerLog("isPublic = " + comment.isPublic); indexVal = indexVal + 1; } runnerLog("_________________________________________________");


Example 2 - get comment with a provided id from request

//This method will also retrieve the renderedBody and the attachments JSMComment comment = getCommentForRequest("SM-1", 10072); JSMAttachment[] attachments = comment.attachments; int indexVal = 1; for(JSMAttachment attachment in attachments) { runnerLog("---attachment " + indexVal + "---"); JUser author = attachment.author; runnerLog("---author---"); runnerLog("key = " + author.key); runnerLog("username = " + author.username); runnerLog("displayname = " + author.displayname); runnerLog("email = " + author.email); runnerLog("--------------"); runnerLog("created = " + attachment.created); runnerLog("filename = " + attachment.filename); runnerLog("mimeType = " + attachment.mimeType); runnerLog("size = " + attachment.size); indexVal = indexVal + 1; } JUser author = comment.author; runnerLog("---author---"); runnerLog("key = " + author.key); runnerLog("username = " + author.username); runnerLog("displayname = " + author.displayname); runnerLog("email = " + author.email); runnerLog("--------------"); runnerLog("body = " + comment.body); runnerLog("created = " + comment.created); runnerLog("id = " + comment.id); runnerLog("isPublic = " + comment.isPublic); runnerLog("renderedBody = " + comment.renderedBody); runnerLog("_________________________________________________");



number id; number projectId; string projectKey; string projectName;


Example 1 - get all service desks

JSMServiceDesk[] serviceDesks = getAllServiceDesks(); int indexCC = 1; for(JSMServiceDesk serviceDesk in serviceDesks) { runnerLog("---Service Desk " + indexCC + "---"); runnerLog("id = " + serviceDesk.id); runnerLog("projectId = " + serviceDesk.projectId); runnerLog("projectKey = " + serviceDesk.projectKey); runnerLog("projectName = " + serviceDesk.projectName); indexCC = indexCC + 1; } runnerLog("_________________________________________________");


Example 2 - get service desk for project

JSMServiceDesk serviceDesk = getServiceDesk("SM"); //JSMServiceDesk serviceDesk = getServiceDeskByProjectKey("SM"); //just an alias for the above runnerLog("id = " + serviceDesk.id); runnerLog("projectId = " + serviceDesk.projectId); runnerLog("projectKey = " + serviceDesk.projectKey); runnerLog("projectName = " + serviceDesk.projectName); runnerLog("_________________________________________________");



string[] fields; number id; number issueCount; string jql; string name;


Example 1 - get all queues for a service desk

JSMQueue[] queues = getServiceDeskQueues(1); int indexCC = 1; for(JSMQueue queue in queues) { runnerLog("---Queue " + indexCC + "---"); runnerLog("fields = " + queue.fields); runnerLog("id = " + queue.id); runnerLog("issueCount = " + queue.issueCount); runnerLog("jql = " + queue.jql); runnerLog("name = " + queue.name); indexCC = indexCC + 1; } runnerLog("_________________________________________________");


Example 2 - get queue by id from service desk

JSMQueue queue = getServiceDeskQueue(1, 1); runnerLog("fields = " + queue.fields); runnerLog("id = " + queue.id); runnerLog("issueCount = " + queue.issueCount); runnerLog("jql = " + queue.jql); runnerLog("name = " + queue.name); runnerLog("_________________________________________________");



string workspaceId; string globalId; string id;


Example - get assets objects from custom field

JSMAssetsObject[] objects = SM-33.customfield_10079; //change this with your issueKey and assets customfield_id int indexCC = 1; for(JSMAssetsObject object in objects) { runnerLog("---object " + indexCC + "---"); runnerLog("workspaceId = " + object.workspaceId); runnerLog("globalId = " + object.globalId); //from Atlassian this comes as "id" runnerLog("id = " + object.id); //from Atlassian this comes as "objectId" indexCC = indexCC + 1; } runnerLog("_________________________________________________");



string content; string excerpt; string source; string title;


Example - get articles that contains the word “template” as a searchQuery

JSMKBArticle[] articles = getKBArticles("template"); int indexCC = 1; for(JSMKBArticle article in articles) { runnerLog("---article " + indexCC + "---"); runnerLog("content = " + article.content); runnerLog("excerpt = " + article.excerpt); runnerLog("source = " + article.source); runnerLog("title = " + article.title); indexCC = indexCC + 1; } runnerLog("_________________________________________________");



string description; string helpText; number iconId; number id; number issueTypeId; number portalId; string name;


Example - get all request types

JSMRequestType[] requestTypes = getRequestsTypes(); int indexCC = 1; for(JSMRequestType requestType in requestTypes) { runnerLog("---Request Type " + indexCC + "---"); runnerLog("name = " + requestType.name); runnerLog("description = " + requestType.description); runnerLog("id = " + requestType.id); runnerLog("helpText = " + requestType.helpText); runnerLog("iconId = " + requestType.iconId); runnerLog("issueTypeId = " + requestType.issueTypeId); runnerLog("portalId = " + requestType.portalId); indexCC = indexCC + 1; } runnerLog("_________________________________________________");



number rating; string comment; string type; //kind of useless since all have the same type, but we have it...


Example - get feedback for request

JSMFeedback feedback = getFeedbackForRequest("SM-1"); //SM-1 is the request key for which we'll retrieve the feedback runnerLog("rating = " + feedback.rating); runnerLog("comment = " + feedback.comment); runnerLog("type = " + feedback.type);


General Example For (some of the) Functions

string customerEmail = "icecream@testBuyer.com"; boolean customerCreated = createCustomer("The Ice Cream Buyer", customerEmail); if(customerCreated) { runnerLog("A new customer was invited, let's announce this on the ticket."); addJSDComment(key, "We invited the customer with the following email '" + customerEmail +"' to join us.", true); //public comment } else { addJSDComment(key, "We couldn't invite the customer with the following email '" + customerEmail +"' please take a second look.", false); //internal comment } int[] commentsIds = getAllCommentIds(key); runnerLog("There are '" + size(commentsIds) + "' comments with the following ids: " + commentsIds); string newOrgName = "iFixit"; createOrganization(newOrgName); int propsOrgId = getOrganizationIdByName(newOrgName); runnerLog("We should add the new organization to a JSM project."); addOrganization({"Org", newOrgName}, "JSM"); runnerLog("Let's add some engineers to the newly created organization"); addCustomerToOrganization({"customer_id", "another_customer_id"}, newOrgName); runnerLog("Engineers from organization '" + newOrgName + "': " + getUsersFromOrganizations({newOrgName})); runnerLog("Remove one of them."); removeCustomerFromOrganization({"customer_id"}, newOrgName); runnerLog("Now we have the following engineers: " + getUsersFromOrganizations({newOrgName})); runnerLog("Let's set some properties for a new organization"); setOrganizationPropertyValue(propsOrgId, "DoesItWork", false); setOrganizationPropertyValue(propsOrgId, "IceCreamType", {"McSUNDAE", "McFlurry"}); runnerLog("What properties do we have set on the organization with id " + propsOrgId + "? "); string[] properties = getOrganizationPropertyKeys(propsOrgId); runnerLog("Properties: "+ properties); for(string prop in properties) { runnerLog("Property with key '" + prop + "' has value: " + getOrganizationPropertyValues(propsOrgId, prop)); } runnerLog("Let's put one of the engineers to work."); setOrganizationPropertyValue(propsOrgId, "DoesItWork", true); runnerLog("The new value of 'DoesItWork' is: " + getOrganizationPropertyValues(propsOrgId, "DoesItWork")); runnerLog("Looks like the engineer did a good work."); runnerLog("Since the ice cream machine is working, let's remove the second property."); deleteOrganizationProperty(propsOrgId, properties[0]); runnerLog("Now we only have the following properties: " + getOrganizationPropertyKeys(propsOrgId)); runnerLog("How many organization are associated with project 'JSM': " + size(getAllOrganizationIds("JSM"))); runnerLog("Let's remove the newly created organization from the 'JSM' project."); removeOrganization({newOrgName}, "JSM"); runnerLog("Now we have only '" + size(getAllOrganizationIds("JSM")) + "' organizatons on the project JSM"); runnerLog("Let's get rid of the new organization since we don't use it anymore."); //we'll get the organizationsIds before and after the delete of the organization and get the diff to check if the organization was really deleted int[] initialOrganizations = getAllOrganizationIds(); deleteOrganization(newOrgName); int[] currentOrganizations = getAllOrganizationIds(); string[] deletedOrgs = arrayDiff(initialOrganizations, currentOrganizations); if(size(deletedOrgs) == 1 && deletedOrgs[0] == propsOrgId) { runnerLog("Organization with name: '" + newOrgName + "' does not exist anymore"); } return "Have a nice day.";

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