Creates a new custom field, offering support also for setting its context and searcher.
Return Type
Returns the string id (customfield_xxxxx) of the newly created custom field.
Example 1
Creating a single line text field with default searcher (Free Text Searcher) and global context:
admCreateCustomField("Test Field", "test description", "Text Field (single line)", "", {}, {});
Example 2
Creating a multi-line text field with blank description, specified searcher name (Free Text Searcher) and specified project and issue types context:
admCreateCustomField("Test Field", "", "Text Field (multi-line)", "Free Text Searcher", {"DEMO", "TEST"}, {"Bug", "Improvement"});
Example 3
Creating a date picker field with blank description, specified searcher key, and specified issue types ids context:
admCreateCustomField("Test Field", "", "Date Picker", "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:daterange", {}, {1, 2, 3});
If the provided custom field searcher key or name is wrong, it will be ignored and the custom field will be created with no searcher configured.