
The use of this routine requires the SIL Tempo Connector add-on (free) be installed.


Returns the account with the specified id, key, or name.


Return Type



TempoAccount ta = tempoGetAccount("1234-5678-9101"); runnerLog("ID: " + ta.id); runnerLog("Key: " + ta.key); runnerLog("Name: " + ta.name); runnerLog("Lead: " + ta.lead); runnerLog("Contact: " + ta.contact); runnerLog("Status: " + ta.status); runnerLog("Customer ID: " + ta.customer_id); runnerLog("Customer Key: " + ta.customer_key); runnerLog("Customer Name: " + ta.customer_name); runnerLog("Category ID: " + ta.category_id); runnerLog("Category Key: " + ta.category_key); runnerLog("Category Name: " + ta.category_name); runnerLog("Monthly Budget:" + ta.monthly_budget); runnerLog("Global: " + ta.global); runnerLog("Billable: " + ta.billable);
ID: 1234 Key: 1234-5678-9101 Name: [Tempo] Example Account Lead: jSmith Contact: JDoe Status: OPEN Customer ID: 405 Customer Key: TMP Customer Name: Example Category ID: 6 Category Key: 005 Category Name: Client Billable - Fixed Monthly Budget: 0 Global: false Billable: false

See also