

Returns substring is starting at index start and stop at index stop. The substring returned has length stop - start. First position of character expression str is 0. If index start is not initialized or -1, it will be set on 0. If index stop is not initialized or -1, it will be set on end of the string.


Return Type



Example 1

number start; number stop; substring("FooBar", start, stop); // start will default to 0 // stop will default to 6 // substring() will return FooBar // Result are the same if we initialize start and/or stop with -1

Example 2

number start; number stop = 3; substring("FooBar", start, stop); // start will default to 0 // will return Foo

Example 3

string v = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP..."; print(substring(v, 0, 3)); //"ABC" print (substring (v, 10, 100 )); //"KLMNOP..." print(substring(v, 10, -1)); //"KLMNOP..." (same call)

If stop is equal start or start is greater than the maximum length of character expression str, substring returns an empty string.

See also