Issues in status report

The fallowing code will display a report showing how many issues are in a certain status, based on your choice of project and chart type.

number[] statusCount;
string [] issues = selectIssues("project = " + argv[0]);
for(string iss in issues) {
    string currStatus = iss.status;
    if(isNull(statusCount[currStatus])) {
        statusCount[currStatus] = 1;
    else {
        statusCount[currStatus] += 1;
SILReportingChartDataset datasets;
datasets.label = "Issues";
datasets.backgroundColor = {"#3e95cd""#8e5ea2","#3cba9f","#e8c3b9","#c45850"}; = statusCount;
SILReportingChartData data;
data.labels = arrayKeys(statusCount);
data.datasets = {datasets};
SILReportingChartTitle title;
title.display = true;
title.text = "Issues in status";
SILReportingChartLegend legend;
legend.display = true;
legend.position = "top";
SILReportingChartOptions options;
options.title = title;
options.aspectRatio = 1.5;
SILReportingChart chart;
chart.type = argv[1]; //line, bar, pie, doughnut = data;
chart.options = options;
silreporting_createAutocompleteSelectList("Project", {"TEST""test""test" "FIBER""FIBR""fibr""GERBEI""GRBI""grbi"}, "TEST");
silreporting_createSelectList("Chart Type", {"Line""line""line" "Bar""bar""bar""Pie""pie""pie""Doughnut""doughnut""doughnut"}, "pie");
return chart;