SIL Data Source

SIL Data Source

This is a SIL Data Source reference page. For more information and configuration details, see the Configuring Power Custom Field page.

SIL data source helps you obtain the values that populate the custom field using SIL scripts. The purpose of the SIL Data Source is to display results on the screen for your custom fields by writing your own SIL scripts. Data can originate from actual databases (using the sql function, for example), from files, or from legacy systems. The script will obtain the results you need for your custom field.

After selecting the SIL Data Source, select the SIL script you want to use from the list of SIL programs.



The SIL script receives the query in the argv (i.e. argv["query"]) and must return the array of KPOption objects (i.e. KPOption []).

Starting with version 6.2.820.6 the SIL script also receives the following parameters:

  • cfid - The customfield id (customfield_XXXXX). Syntax: argv[“cfid”].

  • cfname - The customfield name. Syntax: argv[“cfname”].

  • fieldconfigid - The id of the field’s configuration (XXXXX). Syntax: argv[“fieldconfigid”].

  • fieldconfigname - The name of the field’s configuration. Syntax: argv[“fieldconfigname”].